Personal publications by the year

N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry
of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

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Employee:  Gromova Mariya Aleksandrovna
Positions:  Researcher (Cand. Chem.), LMCh


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Personal publicalions (DB NIOCh)


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, S.A. Borisov, T.V. Rybalova, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 41. Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of 4-(Carboxyalkyl)-18-nor-isopimara-7,15-Dienes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2022, 58(1), Pp. 55-64 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03596-y, IF=0.83


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, S.A. Borisov, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shul’ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 39.* Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of Isopimaric Acid Derivatives
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2021), 57, N 5, Pp 474-481 doi:10.1007/s10600-021-03391-1, IF=0.809
  2. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.C. Golubeva, E.E. Shults
    Macrocyclic peptide-diterpenoid conjugates by a sequential arylation/peptidecoupling/clickmacrocyclization procedure.
    Макрогетероциклы / Macroheterocycles 2021 14(3) 231-239. doi:10.6060/mhc210945s, IF=1.2
  3. М.А. Громова, Ю.В. Харитонов, Т.В. Рыбалова, Е.Е. Шульц
    Синтез триазол-связанных полиазамакроциклов реакцией азид-алкинового циклоприсоединения диалкинильных производных изопимаровой кислоты
    Макрогетероциклы. 2021. Т. 14. № 1. С. 105-111. (Click synthesis of triazole-linked polyazamacrocycles through selective isopimaric acid transformations/ M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults// Macroheterocycles. 2021. Т. 14. № 1. С. 105-111. doi:10.6060/mhc200817s), IF=1.2


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, L.V. Politanskaya, E.V. Tretyakov, E.E. Shults
    A facile approach to hybrid compounds containing a tricyclic diterpenoid and fluorine-substituted heterocycles
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2020, V. 236, 109554 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2020.109554, IF=2.332


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 38.* Synthesis of Conjugates Containing β-Carboline and Tricyclic Diterpenoids
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 5, pp 871-877 doi:10.1007/s10600-019-02836-y, IF=0.566
  2. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.A. Pokrovskii, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 37. Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of 4-(Oxazol-2-Yl)-18-Norisopimaranes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 1, pp 52-59 doi:10.1007/s10600-019-02613-x, IF=0.567


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.E. Shults
    Efficient Synthesis of the N-(buta-2,3-dienyl)carboxamide of Isopimaric Acid and the Potential of This Compound towards Heterocyclic Derivatives of Diterpenoids
    ChemistryOpen, 2018, V. 7, N 11, Pp 890-901 doi:10.1002/open.201800205, IF=2.801
  2. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 36.* Synthesis of 13-(Oxazol-5-Yl)-15,16-Bisnorisopimaranes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018, V. 54, N 2, pp 293-300 doi:10.1007/s10600-018-2327-x, IF=0.45


Reviews, articles

  1. M.A. Timoshenko, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic Studies on Tricyclic Diterpenoids: Direct Allylic Amination Reaction of Isopimaric Acid Derivatives
    ChemistryOPEN, V. 5, N 1, pp 65-70, February 2016 doi:10.1002/open.201500187, IF=3.585


Reviews, articles

  1. Э.Э. Шульц, Ю.В. Харитонов, М.А. Тимошенко, А.В. Липеева
    Биологически активные гетероциклические системы и макроциклические соединения на основе селективных превращений производных растительных дитерпеноидов и кумаринов.
    Фармацевтический бюллетень. 2015. № 1-2.C.38-49
  2. M.A. Timoshenko, A.B. Ayusheev, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. XXXIV.* Preparation of Carboxyl Derivatives of Isopimaric Acid
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, October 2014, Volume 50, Issue 4, pp 673-680. doi:10.1007/s10600-014-1050-5, IF=0.5

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