Публикации сотрудника по IF

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Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова
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Сотрудник:  Заикин Павел Анатольевич
Занимаемые должности:  Руководитель группы, нс ГПТМ
Занимаемые должности:  руководитель ИЦ


Публикации (по IF ) сотрудника подразделения БД НИОХ СО РАН

  1. E.V. Sokol, O.A. Kozmenko, H.N. Khoury, S.N. Kokh, S.A. Novikova, A.A. Nefedov, I.A. Sokol, P. Zaikin
    Calcareous sediments of the Muwaqqar Chalk Marl Formation, Jordan: Mineralogical and geochemical evidences for Zn and Cd enrichment
    Gondwana Research, 2017, V. 46, Pp 204-226 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2017.03.008, IF=6.959
  2. M.N. Simonov, P.A. Zaikin, I.L. Simakova
    Highly selective catalytic propylene glycol synthesis from alkyl lactate over copper on silica: Performance and mechanism
    Appl. Cat. B, 2012, V.119–120, 340-347. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2012.03.003, IF=5.625
  3. P.A. Zaikin, Ok.Ton. Dyan, I.R. Elanov, G.I. Borodkin
    Ionic Liquid-Assisted Grinding: An Electrophilic Fluorination Benchmark
    Molecules 2021, 26(19), 5756 doi:10.3390/molecules26195756, IF=4.41
  4. A.G. Sokol, A.A. Tomilenko, T.A. Bul'bak, A.N. Kruk, P.A. Zaikin, I.A. Sokol, Yu.V. Seryotkin, Yu.N. Palyanov
    The Fe-C-O-H-N system at 6.3-7.8 GPa and 1200-1400 °C: implications for deep carbon and nitrogen cycles
    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2018, V.173, N 6, Article Number 47 doi:10.1007/s00410-018-1472-3, IF=3.626
  5. Ok. Ton. Dyan, G. I. Borodkin, P.A. Zaikin
    The Diels-Alder Reaction for the Synthesis of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
    European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, V. 2019, N 44, Pp 7271-7306 doi:10.1002/ejoc.201901254, IF=3.29
  6. P.A. Zaikin, O.T. Dyan, D.V. Evtushok, A.N. Usoltsev, E.V. Karpova, G.I. Borodkin, V.G. Shubin
    Solvent-free Fluorination of Electron Rich Aromatic Compounds with F-TEDA-BF4 Reagent: Toward "Dry" Processes
    European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, V. 2017, N 17, Pp 2469-2474 doi:10.1002/ejoc.201700179, IF=2.834
  7. A.G. Sokol, A.A. Tomilenko, T.A. Bul'bak, I.A. Sokol, P.A. Zaikin, G.A. Palyanova, Yu.N. Palyanov
    Hydrogenation of carbon at 5.5-7.8 GPa and 1100-1400°C: Implications to formation of hydrocarbons in reduced mantles of terrestrial planets
    Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2019, V. 291, Pp 12-23 doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.04.002, IF=2.615
  8. Ok. Ton. Dyan, R. V. Andreev, P. A. Zaikin
    Substituents Effects in the Diels-Alder Reaction of 1,1-Difluoronaphthalen-2(1H)-ones with Cyclopentadiene
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2021, V. 250, 109859 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2021.109859, IF=2.49
  9. G.I. Borodkin, P.A. Zaikin, V.G. Shubin
    Electrophilic Fluorination of Aromatic Compounds with NF Type Reagents: Kinetic Isotope Effects and Mechanism
    Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, V. 47, N 15, 2639-2642. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.02.016, IF=2.48
  10. A. Sokol, A. Tomilenko, I. Sokol, P. Zaikin, T. Bul'bak
    Formation of Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Native Iron under Upper Mantle Conditions: Experimental Constraints
    Minerals 2020, 10(2), 88 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Genesis of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Mantle) doi:10.3390/min10020088, IF=2.38
  11. I. Sokol, A. Sokol, T. Bul'bak, A. Nefyodov, P. Zaikin, A. Tomilenko
    C- and N-bearing Species in Reduced Fluids in the Simplified C-O-H-N System and in Natural Pelite at Upper Mantle P-T Conditions
    Minerals 2019, 9(11), 712 doi:10.3390/min9110712, IF=2.25
  12. P.A. Zaikin, O.T. Dyan, D.S. Fadeev, Yu.V. Gatilov, G.I. Borodkin
    1,1-Difluoronaphthalene-2(1H)-ones in Diels-Alder Reaction
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2017, V. 199, Pp 20-29 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2017.04.008, IF=2.101
  13. O.T. Dyan, P.A. Zaikin, D.S. Fadeev, Y.V. Gatilov, G.I. Borodkin
    1,1-Difluoronaphthalen-2(1H)-ones as building blocks for fluorinated tetraphenes
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry,2018, V. 210, Pp 88-93 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2018.03.008, IF=1.879
  14. Г.И. Бородкин, П.А. Заикин, М.М. Шакиров, В.Г. Шубин
    Механизм электрофильного фторирования ароматических соединений NF-реагентами
    Журн. Орган. Химии, 2007, Т. 43, N 10, 1460. (Mechanism of electrophilic fluorination of aromatic compounds with NF-reagents/ G. I. Borodkin, P. A. Zaikin, M. M. Shakirov, V. G. Shubin// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, October 2007, Volume 43, Issue 10, pp 1451-1459 doi:10.1134/S1070428007100077), IF=0.492
  15. М.В. Шашков, В.Н. Сидельников, П.А. Заикин
    Селективность неподвижных фаз на основе пиридиниевых ионных жидкостей для капиллярной газовой хроматографии
    Журнал физической химии. 2014. Т. 88. № 4. С. 714-719. (Selectivity of stationary phases based on pyridinium ionic liquids for capillary gas chromatography/ M. V. Shashkov, V. N. Sidelnikov, P. A. Zaikin// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, V. 88, N 4, pp 717-721. doi:10.1134/S0036024414040268), IF=0.488

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Категория: семинары НИОХ СО РАН

Семинар Отдела медицинской химии № 1, 25.01.2023 г. в 15-00 Доклад по диссертационной работе Решетникова Д. В.