Публикации сотрудника по IF

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Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова
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Сотрудник:  Агафонцев Александр Михайлович
Занимаемые должности:  снс(кхн) ЛФМ


Публикации (по IF ) сотрудника подразделения БД НИОХ СО РАН

  1. A.M. Agafontsev, T.A. Shumilova, P.A. Panchenko, S. Janz, O.A. Fedorova, E.A. Kataev
    Utilizing a pH-Sensitive Dye in the Selective Fluorescent Recognition of Sulfate
    CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, V. 22, N 42, October 10, 2016, Pp 15069-15074 doi:10.1002/chem.201602623, IF=5.77
  2. A. M. Agafontsev, T. Shumilova, T.Ruffer, H. Lang, E.A. Kataev
    Anthracene-based cyclophanes with selective fluorescent responses for TTP and GTP: insights into recognition and sensing mechanisms
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, V. 25, N 14, Pp 3541-3549 doi:10.1002/chem.201806130, IF=5.16
  3. A.M. Agafontsev, A. Ravi, T.A. Shumilova, A. Oshchepkov, E.A. Kataev
    Molecular receptors for recognition and sensing of nucleotides
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, V. 25, N 11, Pp 2684-2694 doi:10.1002/chem.201802978, IF=5.16
  4. A.M. Agafontsev, T.A. Shumilova, A.S. Oshchepkov, F. Hampel, E. A. Kataev
    Ratiometric detection of ATP by fluorescent cyclophanes with bellows-type sensing mechanism
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, V. 26, N 44, Special Issue: Young Chemists 2020, Pp. 9991-9997 doi:10.1002/chem.202001523, IF=4.857
  5. A.A. Gabrienko, A.V. Ewing, A.M. Chibiryaev, A.M. Agafontsev, K.A. Dubkov, S.G. Kazarian
    New insights into the mechanism of interaction between CO2 and polymers from thermodynamic parameters obtained by in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18(9), 6465-6475 doi:10.1039/C5CP06431G, IF=4.448
  6. A.M. Agafontsev, A.S. Oshchepkov, T.A. Shumilova, E.A. Kataev
    Binding and Sensing Properties of a Hybrid Naphthalimide-Pyrene Aza-Cyclophane towards Nucleotides in an Aqueous Solution
    Molecules 2021, 26(4), 980 doi:10.3390/molecules26040980, IF=4.411
  7. S.V. Larionov, Yu.A. Bryleva, L.A. Glinskaya, V.F. Plyusnin, A.S. Kupryakov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev, A.S. Bogomyakov, D.A. Piryazev, I.V. Korolkov
    Ln(III) complexes (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) with a chiral ligand containing 1,10-phenanthroline and (-)-menthol fragments: synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and photoluminescence
    Dalton Trans., 2017, V. 34, N 46, Pp. 11440-11450 doi:10.1039/C7DT01536D, IF=4.28
  8. T.E. Kokina, M.I. Rakhmanova, N.A. Shekhovtsov, L.A. Glinskaya, V.Y. Komarov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.Y. Baranov, P.E. Plyusnin, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.V. Tkachev, M.B. Bushuev
    Luminescent Zn(ii) and Cd(ii) complexes with chiral 2,2э-bipyridine ligands bearing natural monoterpene groups: synthesis, speciation in solution and photophysics
    Dalton Trans., 2020, V. 49, N 22, Pp 7552-7563 doi:10.1039/D0DT01438A, IF=4.174
  9. Yu. A. Bryleva, Yu. P. Ustimenko, V. F. Plyusnin, A. V. Mikheilis, A. A. Shubin, L. A. Glinskaya, V. Yu. Komarov, A. M. Agafontsev , A. V. Tkachev
    Ln(III) complexes with a chiral 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine derivative fused with a (-)-α-pinene moiety: synthesis, crystal structure, and photophysical studies in solution and in the solid state
    New J. Chem., 2021,45, 2276-2284 doi:10.1039/D0NJ05277A, IF=3.591
  10. K.S. Marenin, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
    Stereoselectivity of formation of monoterpene - Amino acids hybrid molecules in the reaction of monoterpene nitroso chlorides with α-amino acid derivatives
    Steroids, 2016, V. 117, Pp 112-119 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2016.09.016, IF=2.282
  11. Yu.P. Ustimenko, A.M. Agafontsev, V.Yu. Komarov, A.V. Tkachev
    Synthesis of chiral nopinane annelated 3-methyl-1-aryl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines by condensation of pinocarvone oxime with 1-aryl-1H-pyrazol-5-amines
    Mendeleev Communications, 2018, V. 28, N 6, Pp 584-586 doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2018.11.006, IF=2.098
  12. K.S. Marenin, A.M. Agafontsev, Yu.A. Bryleva, Yu.V. Gatilov, L.A. Glinskaya, D.A. Piryazev, A.V. Tkachev
    Stereochemistry of the Kabachnik-Fields Condensation of Terpenic Amino Oximes with Aldehydes and Dimethyl Phosphite
    ChemistrySelect, 2020, V.5 N 25, Pp 7596-7604 doi:10.1002/slct.202002369, IF=1.811
  13. Yu.P. Ustimenko, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
    Synthesis of chiral pinopyridines using catalysis by metal complexes
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2022, V. 58, N 2-3, Pp 135-143 doi:10.1007/s10593-022-03066-x, IF=1.49
  14. E.S. Vasilyev, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
    Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Chiral Nopinane-Annelated Pyridines by Condensation of Pinocarvone Oxime with Enamines Promoted by FeCl3 and CuCl2
    Synthetic Communications: An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2014, V. 44, N 12, pp 1817-1824. doi:10.1080/00397911.2013.877145, IF=0.984
  15. E.S. Vasilyev, A.M. Agafontsev, V.D. Kolesnik, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.V. Tkachev
    Stereoselective functionalisation of pinopyridine with anisidines and o-phenylenediamine
    Mendeleev Commun., 2011, V. 21, N 5, 253-255. doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2011.09.007, IF=0.814
  16. A.M. Agafontsev, N.B. Gorshkov, A.V. Tkachev
    Efficient synthesis of β-hydroxy sulfides by microwave-promoted ring opening in (+)-3-carene trans-epoxide with sodium thiolates
    Mendeleev Commun., 2011, V. 21, N 4, 192-193. doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2011.07.006, IF=0.814
  17. Т.Е. Кокина, Л.А. Глинская, Д.А. Пирязев, А.Ю. Баранов, А.М. Агафонцев, Ю.А. Еремина, Е.В. Воронцова, А.С. Богомяков, Д.Ю. Наумов, А.В. Ткачев, С.В. Ларионов
    Синтез и строение комплексов CuII,I и CгI с производным 2,2'-бипиридина, содержащим фрагмент природного монотерпена (+)-3-карена
    Известия Академии наук. Серия химическая. 2018. № 7. С. 1251-1260. (Synthesis and structures of CuI,II complexes with a 2,2´-bipyridine derivative bearing a (+)-3-carene moiety/ T. E. Kokina. A. Glinskaya, D. A. Piryazev, A. Yu. Baranov, A. M. Agafontsev, Yu. A. Eremina, E. V. Vorontsova, A. S. Bogomyakov, D. Yu. Naumov, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2018, V. 67, N 7, pp 1251-1260 doi:10.1007/s11172-018-2209-1), IF=0.781
  18. Ю.А. Брылева, Д.А. Пирязев, Л.А. Глинская, А.М. Агафонцев, М.И. Рахманова, А.В. Ткачев
    Синтез, структура и фотолюминесцентные свойства комплексов лантанидов(III) с лигандом на основе 1,10-фенантролина и борнеола
    Журнал структурной химии. 2020. Т. 61. № 11. С. 1906-1919. doi:10.26902/JSC_id63269 (Synthesis, structure, and photoluminescent properties of lanthanide(III) complexes with a ligand based on 1,10-phenanthroline and borneol/ Yu. A. Bryleva, D. A. Piryazev, L. A. Glinskaya, A. M. Agafontsev, M. I. Rakhmanova & A. V. Tkachev// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2020, V. 61, N 11, Pp 1810-1822 doi:10.1134/S0022476620110141), IF=0.745
  19. I.V. Romanova, A.A. Alekseev, И.В. Романова, А.А. Алексеев, В.А. Рихтер, Н.Е. Грунтенко, А.М. Агафонцев, Е.К. Карпова
    Получение меченного тритием ювенильного гормона и радиометрический анализ уровня его ферментативного гидролиза
    Биоорганическая химия. 2017. Т. 43. № 2. С. 208-213 (A synthesis of tritium-labeled juvenile hormone and / I.V. Romanova, A.A. Alekseev, V.A. Richter, N.E. Gruntenko, A.M. Agafontsev, E.K. Karpova// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2017, V. 43, N 2, pp 211-215 doi:10.1134/S1068162017020121), IF=0.689
  20. Т.Е. Кокина, Ю.П. Устименко, М.И. Рахманова, Л.А. Шелудякова, А.М. Агафонцев, П.Е. Плюснин, А.В. Ткачев, С.В. Ларионов
    Люминесцирующие комплексы ZN(II) и CD(II) c хиральными лигандами, содержащими фрагменты 1,10-фенантролина и природных монотерпеноидов (+)-3-карена или (+)-лимонена
    Журнал общей химии. 2019. Т. 89. № 1. С. 98-107. DOI:10.1134/S0044460X19010165 (Luminescent Complexes of Zn(II) and Cd(II) with Chiral Ligands Containing 1,10-Phenanthroline and Natural Monoterpenoids (+)-3-Carene or (+)-Limonene Fragments/ T.E. Kokina, Yu. P. Ustimenko, M.I. Rakhmanova, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.M. Agafontsev, P.E. Plusnin, A.V. Tkachev, S.V.Larionov// Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2019, V. 89, N 1, pp 87-95 doi:10.1134/S107036321901016X), IF=0.643

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Категория: семинары НИОХ СО РАН

Семинар Отдела медицинской химии № 1, 25.01.2023 г. в 15-00 Доклад по диссертационной работе Решетникова Д. В.