Molecular Receptors for Recognition and Sensing of Nucleotides

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова
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В журнале Chemistry - A European Journal  Volume 25, Issue 11, February 21, 2019, Pages 2684-2694 (IF=5,16) опубликован миниобзор  с участием сотрудника Института А.М. Агафонцева

Molecular Receptors for Recognition and Sensing of Nucleotides

Dr. Aleksandr M. Agafontsev, Dr. Anil Ravi,  Dr. Tatiana A. Shumilova, Dr. Aleksandr S. Oshchepkov , Prof. Dr. Evgeny A. Kataev

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, V. 25, N 11, Pp 2684-2694

First published: 05 October 2018

chem.201802978 650



Nucleotides are constituents of nucleic acids and they have a variety of functions in cellular metabolism. Synthetic receptors and sensors are required to reveal the role of nucleotides in living organisms and mechanisms of signal transduction events. In recent years, a large number of nucleotide‐selective synthetic receptors have been devised, which utilize different molecular designs and sensing mechanisms. This Minireview presents recent progress in the design of synthetic molecular receptors for selective recognition of nucleotides in aqueous solution. The binding properties of receptors and the origins of their selectivity for a particular nucleotide are discussed.


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