Triplet Fullerenes as Prospective Spin Labels for Nanoscale Distance Measurements by Pulsed Dipolar EPR

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Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова
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В журнале Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.,  (IF 12,257I) опубликована статья с участием сотрудников Института  - к.х.н. Л.В. Политанской , к.х.н. Ю.Ф. Полиенко, д.х.н. Е.В. Третьякова, к.х.н. О.Ю. Рогожниковой,  к.х.н. Д.В. Трухина, к.х.н. В.М. Тормышева, д.х.н. Е. Г. Багрянской:

Triplet Fullerenes as Prospective Spin Labels for Nanoscale Distance Measurements by Pulsed Dipolar EPR

Olesya A. Krumkacheva, Ivan O. Timofeev, Larisa V. Politanskaya, Yuliya F. Polienko, Evgeny V. Tretyakov, Olga Yu. Rogozhnikova, Dmitry V. Trukhin, Victor M. Tormyshev, Alexey S. Chubarov, Elena G. Bagryanskaya, Matvey V. Fedin

Angewandte Chemie, 2019, V. 131, N 38, Pp 13405-13409

First published: 19 July 2019

DOI: https://10.1002/anie.201904152

Triple fulerene



Precise nanoscale distance measurements by pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) play crucial role in structural studies of biomolecules and their complexes. The properties of spin labels used in this approach are of paramount importance, since they determine the sensitivity limits, attainable distances and proximity to biological conditions, including physiological temperatures. Herewith, we propose and validate the use of photoexcited fullerenes as spin labels for pulsed dipolar (PD) EPR distance measurements. Hyperpolarization and narrower spectrum of fullerenes compared to other triplets (e.g., porphyrins) boost the sensitivity, and superior relaxation properties allow PD EPR measurements up to a near‐room temperature. The capabilities of new approach are demonstrated using fullerene‐nitroxide and fullerene‐triarylmethyl pairs, as well as supramolecular complex of fullerene with nitroxide‐labeled protein. Therefore, photoexcited triplet fullerenes can be considered as new spin labels with the outstanding spectroscopic properties for future structural studies of biomolecules. 


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