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Zaikin Pavel Anatolievich
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Personal publicalions (DB NIOCh)
Reviews, articles
- Ok Ton Dyan, P. A. Zaikin
Molbank 2022, 2022(4), M1525 doi:10.3390/M1525
Reviews, articles
- Ok. Ton. Dyan, R. V. Andreev, P. A. Zaikin
Substituents Effects in the Diels-Alder Reaction of 1,1-Difluoronaphthalen-2(1H)-ones with Cyclopentadiene
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2021, V. 250, 109859 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2021.109859, IF=2.49 - P.A. Zaikin, Ok.Ton. Dyan, I.R. Elanov, G.I. Borodkin
Ionic Liquid-Assisted Grinding: An Electrophilic Fluorination Benchmark
Molecules 2021, 26(19), 5756 doi:10.3390/molecules26195756, IF=4.41
Reviews, articles
- А.Г. Сокол, А.А. Томиленко, Т.А. Бульбак, И.А. Сокол, П.А. Заикин, Н.В. Соболев
Состав флюида восстановленной мантии по экспериментальным данным и результатам изучения флюидных включений в алмазах
Геология и геофизика. 2020. Т. 61. № S5-6. С. 810-825 Геология и геофизика. 2020. Т. 61. № S5-6. С. 810-825, doi:10.15372/GiG2020103 (Composition of reduced mantle fluids: evidence from modeling experiments and fluid inclusions in natural diamond/ Sokol A.G., Tomilenko A.A., Bul'bak T.A., Sokol I.A., Zaikin P.A., Sobolev N.V// Russian geology and geophysics, 2020, V. 61, N 5-6, Pp 663-674 SI doi:10.15372/RGG2020103) - A. Sokol, A. Tomilenko, I. Sokol, P. Zaikin, T. Bul'bak
Formation of Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Native Iron under Upper Mantle Conditions: Experimental Constraints
Minerals 2020, 10(2), 88 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Genesis of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Mantle) doi:10.3390/min10020088, IF=2.38
Reviews, articles
- Ok. Ton. Dyan, G. I. Borodkin, P.A. Zaikin
The Diels-Alder Reaction for the Synthesis of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, V. 2019, N 44, Pp 7271-7306 doi:10.1002/ejoc.201901254, IF=3.29 - I. Sokol, A. Sokol, T. Bul'bak, A. Nefyodov, P. Zaikin, A. Tomilenko
C- and N-bearing Species in Reduced Fluids in the Simplified C-O-H-N System and in Natural Pelite at Upper Mantle P-T Conditions
Minerals 2019, 9(11), 712 doi:10.3390/min9110712, IF=2.25 - A.G. Sokol, A.A. Tomilenko, T.A. Bul'bak, I.A. Sokol, P.A. Zaikin, G.A. Palyanova, Yu.N. Palyanov
Hydrogenation of carbon at 5.5-7.8 GPa and 1100-1400°C: Implications to formation of hydrocarbons in reduced mantles of terrestrial planets
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2019, V. 291, Pp 12-23 doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.04.002, IF=2.615
Reviews, articles
- A.G. Sokol, A.A. Tomilenko, T.A. Bul'bak, A.N. Kruk, P.A. Zaikin, I.A. Sokol, Yu.V. Seryotkin, Yu.N. Palyanov
The Fe-C-O-H-N system at 6.3-7.8 GPa and 1200-1400 °C: implications for deep carbon and nitrogen cycles
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2018, V.173, N 6, Article Number 47 doi:10.1007/s00410-018-1472-3, IF=3.626 - O.T. Dyan, P.A. Zaikin, D.S. Fadeev, Y.V. Gatilov, G.I. Borodkin
1,1-Difluoronaphthalen-2(1H)-ones as building blocks for fluorinated tetraphenes
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry,2018, V. 210, Pp 88-93 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2018.03.008, IF=1.879
Reviews, articles
- P.A. Zaikin, O.T. Dyan, D.S. Fadeev, Yu.V. Gatilov, G.I. Borodkin
1,1-Difluoronaphthalene-2(1H)-ones in Diels-Alder Reaction
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2017, V. 199, Pp 20-29 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2017.04.008, IF=2.101 - E.V. Sokol, O.A. Kozmenko, H.N. Khoury, S.N. Kokh, S.A. Novikova, A.A. Nefedov, I.A. Sokol, P. Zaikin
Calcareous sediments of the Muwaqqar Chalk Marl Formation, Jordan: Mineralogical and geochemical evidences for Zn and Cd enrichment
Gondwana Research, 2017, V. 46, Pp 204-226 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2017.03.008, IF=6.959 - P.A. Zaikin, O.T. Dyan, D.V. Evtushok, A.N. Usoltsev, E.V. Karpova, G.I. Borodkin, V.G. Shubin
Solvent-free Fluorination of Electron Rich Aromatic Compounds with F-TEDA-BF4 Reagent: Toward "Dry" Processes
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, V. 2017, N 17, Pp 2469-2474 doi:10.1002/ejoc.201700179, IF=2.834
Reviews, articles
- М.В. Шашков, В.Н. Сидельников, П.А. Заикин
Селективность неподвижных фаз на основе пиридиниевых ионных жидкостей для капиллярной газовой хроматографии
Журнал физической химии. 2014. Т. 88. № 4. С. 714-719. (Selectivity of stationary phases based on pyridinium ionic liquids for capillary gas chromatography/ M. V. Shashkov, V. N. Sidelnikov, P. A. Zaikin// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, V. 88, N 4, pp 717-721. doi:10.1134/S0036024414040268), IF=0.488
Reviews, articles
- M.N. Simonov, P.A. Zaikin, I.L. Simakova
Highly selective catalytic propylene glycol synthesis from alkyl lactate over copper on silica: Performance and mechanism
Appl. Cat. B, 2012, V.119–120, 340-347. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2012.03.003, IF=5.625
Reviews, articles
- Г.И. Бородкин, П.А. Заикин, В.Г. Шубин
Экодружественное фторирование ароматических соединений реагентом F-TEDA-BF4 в воде
Химия в интересах устойчивого развития, 2011, Т. 19, № 6, 637-642. (Eco-Friendly Fluorination of Aromatic Compounds with F-TEDA-BF4 Reagent in Water/ G. I. Borodkin, P. A. Zaikin, V. G. Shubin// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2011, Т. 19, № 6, 637-642.)
Reviews, articles
- Г.И. Бородкин, П.А. Заикин, М.М. Шакиров, В.Г. Шубин
Механизм электрофильного фторирования ароматических соединений NF-реагентами
Журн. Орган. Химии, 2007, Т. 43, N 10, 1460. (Mechanism of electrophilic fluorination of aromatic compounds with NF-reagents/ G. I. Borodkin, P. A. Zaikin, M. M. Shakirov, V. G. Shubin// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, October 2007, Volume 43, Issue 10, pp 1451-1459 doi:10.1134/S1070428007100077), IF=0.492
Reviews, articles
- G.I. Borodkin, P.A. Zaikin, V.G. Shubin
Electrophilic Fluorination of Aromatic Compounds with NF Type Reagents: Kinetic Isotope Effects and Mechanism
Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, V. 47, N 15, 2639-2642. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.02.016, IF=2.48
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