New Variants of Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization

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В журнале Polymers   (IF=3,426) опубликован обзор  с участием  д.х.н., проф. Е.Г. Багрянской

 New Variants of Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization

Gérard Audran , Elena G. Bagryanskaya , Sylvain R. A. Marque and Pavel Postnikov

Polymers, 2020, 12 (7), 1481;

Published: 2 July 2020




Nitroxide-mediated polymerization is now a mature technique, at 35 years of age. During this time, several variants have been developed: electron spin capture polymerization (ESCP), photoNMP (NMP2), chemically initiated NMP (CI-NMP), spin label NMP (SL-NMP), and plasmon-initiated NMP (PI-NMP). This mini-review is devoted to the features and applications of these variants. 
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Keywords: nitroxide mediated polymerizationCI-NMPSLNMPPI-NMPNMP2ESCP


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