Discovery of the First in Class 9-N-Berberine Derivative as Hypoglycemic Agent with Extra-Strong Action

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Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова
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В журнале Pharmaceutics (IF 6,321) опубликована статья с участием сотрудников Института   д.б.н.,  М. В. Хвостова (внс, ЛФИ),  Е.Д. Гладковой (мнс ЛНТПС), к.б.н.С.А. Борисова (нс ЛФИ), д.м.н. Н. А. Жуковой (внс ЛФИ), к.б.н. Н.К. Марениной (мнс ЛФИ), Ю.В. Мешковой (инжененр ЛФИ), д.х.н. О.А. Лузиной (внс ЛФАВ) и д.б.н., проф. Т.Г. Толстиковой (завлаб ЛФИ) и д.х.н., чл.-корр. РАН, проф. Н.Ф. Салахутдинова К.П. Волчо (зав. отделом, завлаб ЛФАВ ):

Discovery of the First in Class 9-N-Berberine Derivative as Hypoglycemic Agent with Extra-Strong Action

Mikhail V. Khvostov, Elizaveta D. Gladkova, Sergey A. Borisov, Nataliya A. Zhukova, Mariya K. Marenina, Yuliya V. Meshkova, Olga A. Luzina, Tatijana G. Tolstikova and Nariman F. Salakhutdinov  

Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(12), 2138, 
Published: 12 December 2021


Berberine is well known for its ability to reduce the blood glucose level, but its high effective dose and poor bioavailability limits its use. In this work we synthesized a new derivative of berberine, 9-(hexylamino)-2,3-methylenedioxy-10-methoxyprotoberberine chloride (SHE-196), and analyzed the profile of its hypoglycemic effects. Biological tests have shown that the substance has a very pronounced hypoglycemic activity due to increased insulin sensitivity after single and multiple dosing. In obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) mice, it was characterized by improved glucose tolerance, decreased fasting insulin levels and sensitivity, decreased total body weight and interscapular fat mass, and increased interscapular brown fat activity. All these effects were also confirmed histologically, where a decrease in fatty degeneration of the liver, an improvement in the condition of the islets of Langerhans and a decrease in the size of fat droplets in brown adipose tissue were found. Our results indicate that 9-(hexylamino)-2,3-methylenedioxy-10-methoxyprotoberberine chloride could be the first in a new series of therapeutic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: berberine derivativehypoglycemic agentshyperglycemiain vivoantidiabetic


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