To the 20th anniversary of the Stockholm Convention: NIOCH SB RAS draws the attention of specialists, parents and children to the issues of pollution prevention

In 2021, the Russian Federation celebrates two anniversaries.

May 23, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Stockholm Convention.

Thanks to this document, more than 150 countries came to an agreement on the need to prohibit and restrict the use of a number of chemical compounds due to their toxic effects on humans or animals.

Text of the Convention

Stockholm Convention website

As part of the activities of the National Coordination Center of the Russian Federation, the NIOCh SB RAS has prepared video materials on the current work on the implementation of the provisions of the Stockholm Convention in Russia

Link to the video (Russian)

June 9, 2021 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician Valentin Afanasyevich Koptyug - President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1988—1989 гг.), Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (1980-1987гг), Honorary Citizen of the city of Novosibirsk.

By 1990, there was an understanding in the world that the improvement of pesticides and insecticides led to the creation of huge reserves of extremely stable chemical compounds that are practically not subject to decomposition in nature and, therefore, are capable of accumulation in it. It was found that their introduction into the fields to control pests of agricultural crops is accompanied by bioaccumulation - the accumulation of these substances in human and animal organisms up to extremely high values, which are the cause of the development of severe chronic diseases.

As President of IUPAC, Valentin Afanasyevich Koptyug initiated the development of the international program "Chemistry and the Environment", the implementation of which allowed reaching agreements at the state level, in particular, on the issue of ratification and implementation of the Stockholm Convention.

As a scientist, Valentin Afanasyevich Koptyug took all possible steps to promote the provisions of the Concept of Sustainable Development in the Russian Federation, which assumed the careful use of natural resources without prejudice to the life and development of future generations. Academician V.A. Koptyug became one of the ideologists of ecological education, sustainable development of respect for nature and its preservation for posterity.

In memory of the outstanding scientist and in recognition of his merits, the Conference "Contemporary Problems of Organic Chemistry" was organized on June 9-10 by the NIOCh SB RAS. At the opening of the conference, Director of the Institute Elena G. Bagryanskaya expressed hope that the competence of the Institute will be useful and can be used in the activities of the working group on the prevention and control of pollution of the Mixed Commission for the period 2022-2024. NIOCH SB RAS actively interacts with the relevant Departments of the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation and prepares its proposals for inclusion in the Working Program of the Mixed Commission.

More information about the conference can be found on the event page

In order to attract public attention, educate new generations in the spirit of respect for nature, in May-June 2021, NIOCH SB RAS organized a children's drawing competition "Clean Planet - Healthy People" dedicated to the tasks of environmental education.

Students of organizations of primary, complete general and additional education of the city of Novosibirsk at the age from 6 to 18 years old were invited to participate in the Competition.

The best works of the Competition were presented at a special exhibition organized by the Exhibition Center of the SB RAS

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