Публикации сотрудника по IF

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Сотрудник:  Власов Владислав Михайлович


Публикации (по IF ) сотрудника подразделения БД НИОХ СО РАН

  1. A. Kutt, I. Leito, I. Kaljurand, L. Soovali, V.M. Vlasov, L.M. Yagupolskii, I.A. Koppel
    A comprehensive self-consistent spectrophotometric acidity scale of neutral Bronsted acids in acetonitrile
    J. Org. Chem., 2006, V. 71, N 7, 2829-2838. doi:10.1021/jo060031y, IF=3.68
  2. V.M. Vlasov
    Substituent effects in substrates on activation parameters in the bimolecular nucleophilic reactions in solution
    New J. Chem., 2010, V. 34, N 12, 2962–2970. doi:10.1039/C0NJ00419G, IF=3.6
  3. V.M. Vlasov
    Substituent effects in nucleophiles on activation parameters in the bimolecular nucleophilic reactions in solution
    New J. Chem., 2010, V. 34, N 7, 1408–1416. doi:10.1039/c0nj00058b, IF=3.6
  4. V.M. Vlasov
    Effects of substituents on activation parameters in the reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives with anionic and neutral nucleophiles
    New J. Chem., 2009, V. 33, N 3, 501 - 506. doi:10.1039/b808115h, IF=2.941
  5. V.M. Vlasov
    Activation Parameter Changes as a Mechanistic Tool in Acyl-Transfer Reactions in Solution
    Current Organic Chemistry, 2014, V.. 18, N 9, pp. 1097-1107. doi:10.2174/1385272819666140424234113, IF=2.536
  6. V.M. Vlasov
    Towards mechanisms of bimolecular nucleophilic reactions in solution – probing the variation of the activaton parameters in reactions of aromatic compounds
    J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2012, V. 25, N 4, 296-308. doi:10.1002/poc.1912, IF=1.963
  7. В.М. Власов
    Энергетика бимолекулярных нуклеофильных реакций в растворе
    Успехи Химии, 2006, Т. 75, № 9, 851-883. (Energetics of bimolecular nucleophilic reactions in solution/ V. M Vlasov// Russian Chemical Reviews, 2006, V. 75, N 9, Pp 765-796 doi:10.1070/RC2006v075n09ABEH003614), IF=1.84
  8. V.M. Vlasov
    Varying the activation parameters as a method of determining whether there is an isokinetic relationship among the bimolecular nucleophilic reactions of benzene derivatives in solution
    Monatshefte fur Chemie / Chemical Monthly, 2013, V. 144, N 1 , pp 41-48. doi:10.1007/s00706-012-0765-x, IF=1.628
  9. V.M. Vlasov
    Effects of substituents on activation parameters in SN2 reactions at aliphatic carbon in solution
    J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2010, V. 23, N 5, 468–476. doi:10.1002/poc.1634, IF=1.601
  10. I.A. Khalfina, V.M. Vlasov
    Selectivity of nitro vs fluoro substitution in arenes in their reactions with charged O- and S-nucleophiles
    J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2007, V. 20, N 6, 369 - 374. doi:10.1002/poc.1146, IF=1.593
  11. V.M. Vlasov
    Simple method for determining of the isokinetic temperature value for the SNAr reactions in solution
    Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2018, V. 31, N 1, e3723 doi:10.1002/poc.3723, IF=1.591
  12. V.M. Vlasov, T.A. Kornakova
    Isokinetic relationships for SNAr reactions in different solvents
    Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2013, V. 26, N 2, P. 131-136. doi:10.1002/poc.2954, IF=1.577
  13. V.M. Vlasov
    Effect of substituents in phenol and aniline nucleophiles on activation parameters in SNAr reactions
    J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2009, V. 22, N 8, 756 - 760. doi:10.1002/poc.1515, IF=1.414
  14. V.M. Vlasov
    Influence of the activation entropy on the change of the isokinetic temperature in the SN2 reactions in solution
    Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2018, V. 149, N 12, pp 2161-2166 doi:10.1007/s00706-018-2321-9, IF=1.284
  15. V.M. Vlasov
    Activation parameter changes as an additive tool for a mechanistic viewpoint in the aromatic nucleophilic substitution reactions in solution
    Monatshefte für Chemie, 2017, V.148, N 8, pp 1417-1422 doi:10.1007/s00706-017-1956-2, IF=1.281
  16. I. A. Khalfina, V. M. Vlasov
    Enthalpy–Entropy Correlations in Reactions of Aryl Benzoates with Potassium Aryloxides in Dimethylformamide
    International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2013, V. 45, N 4, P. 266-282. doi:10.1002/kin.20763, IF=1.187
  17. V.M. Vlasov
    Effects of substituents on activation parameter changes in the Michael-type reactions of nucleophilic addition to activated alkenes and alkynes in solution
    Monatshefte fur Chemie - Chemical Monthly, February 2016, V. 147, N. 2, pp 319-328 doi:10.1007/s00706-015-1622-5, IF=1.131
  18. L.S. Klimenko, S.Z. Kusov, V.M. Vlasov, E.N. Tchabueva, V.V. Boldyrev
    Solid-state photochemical reactions of 1-aryloxy (1-arylthio)-9,10-anthraquinone derivatives
    Mendeleev Commun., 2006, V. 16, N 4, 224-225. doi:10.1070/MC2006v016n04ABEH002294, IF=0.709
  19. В.М. Власов
    Аминирование в нуклеофильных реакциях замещения и присоединения в растворе: влияние заместителей на изменения активационных параметров
    Журнал органической химии. 2014. Т. 50. № 5. С. 637-645. (Amination by nucleophilic substitution and addition in solution: Substituents effect on changes in activation parameters/ V. M. Vlasov// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, V. 50, N 5, pp 621-630. doi:10.1134/S1070428014050029), IF=0.675
  20. И.А. Халфина, В.М. Власов
    Энтальпийно-энтропийные корреляции в реакциях (2,4-динитрофенил)бензоата с фенолами в присутствии бикарбоната калия и фенолятами калия в диметилформамиде
    Журнал органической химии, 2011, Т. 47, N 6, 833–841. (Enthalpy-entropy correlations in reactions of 2,4-dinitrophenyl benzoate with phenols in the presence of potassium hydrogen carbonate and with potassium phenoxides in dimethylformamide/ I. A. Khalfina, V. M. Vlasov// RUSS J ORG CHEM+, 2011, V. 47, N 6, pp. 845-854. doi:10.1134/S1070428011060030), IF=0.634

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Семинар Отдела медицинской химии № 1, 25.01.2023 г. в 15-00 Доклад по диссертационной работе Решетникова Д. В.