11-th annual Dance Your Ph.D. Contest

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Announcing the 11-th annual Dance Your Ph.D. Contest!

This is the 11th year of the “Dance Your Ph.D.” contest sponsored by AAAS and Science, challenging scientists to explain their research without PowerPoint slides or jargon—in fact with no talking at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting your Ph.D. or you completed it decades ago. All science should be explained with dance.

Prizes: The overall winner receives a $1000 cash prize. (Stay tuned—this could change if a sponsor comes through.)

How to enter

  1. Turn your Ph.D. thesis into a dance.
  2. Post the video on YouTube.
  3. Send us the link by 14 January 2019.
The rules

  1. You must have a Ph.D., or be working on one as a Ph.D. student.
  2. Your Ph.D. must be in a science-related field (see FAQ).
  3. You must be part of the dance.
  4. The complete and official rules apply and can b

Submission deadline: 14 January 2019 at 11:59 PM EST