20 Incoming Postdoc Fellowships. Deadline: 13.03.015

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 20 Incoming Postdoc Fellowships 19.01. - 13.03.2015

Открыт конкурс на 2016 год

The “Postdoc International” POINT research fellowship program – co-financed by the German Excellence Initiative and the Marie Curie Program of the European Commission – provides funding for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines to conduct their own research project at Freie Universität Berlin.

The POINT program was designed by Dahlem Research School (DRS) at Freie Universität Berlin to promote the further academic career development through research funding, a tailored qualification program and the opportunity to develop teaching and leadership skills. It also provides essential professional guidance on preparing grant proposals to support POINT fellows in obtaining funding for follow-up research projects at Freie Universität Berlin.

  • Deadline:

    • Deadline for applications: 13 March 2015, 12:00 noon (Berlin local time)
  • Funding:

    • 18 months, starting November 2015

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