Head - Professor, Dr. Sci.(Chem) Alexey Yasil'evich Tkachev
Phone: (383) 330-88-52
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The basic research is focused on:- Development of the methods for synthesis of new optically active heteroatomic nitrogen- and sulfur- containing derivatives of lower terpenoids with the purpose creation of intermediates for the synthesis of substances with the set properties.
- Improvement of methodology of phytochemical studies, study of secondary metabolites composition of plants of Siberia and adjacent area.
Publications over the past years
Laboratory staff publications (DB NIOCh)
Reviews, Articles
2022- Ia.S. Fomenko, M. Afewerki, M.I. Gongola, E.S. Vasilyev, L.S. Shu'pina, N.S. Ikonnikov, G.B. Shul'pin, D.G. Samsonenko, V.V. Yanshole, V.A. Nadolinny, A.N. Lavrov, A.V. Tkachev, A.L. Gushchin
Novel Copper(II) Complexes with Dipinodiazafluorene Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Catalytic Properties
Molecules 2022, 27(13), 4072 doi:10.3390/molecules27134072, IF=4.927 - S.N. Bizyaev, Yu.V. Gatilov, D.V. Zubricheva, V.D. Tikhova, A.V. Tkachev
A New Type of Terpene-Based D 2-Symmetric Macrocycles, Capable of Selectively Extracting Au, Pd and Pt from Complex Mixtures
ChemistrySelect, V.7, N 22, June 13, 2022, e202201263 doi:10.1002/slct.202201263, IF=2.307 - E.P. Romanenko, D. Domrachev, A.V. Tkachev
Variations in Essential oils from South Siberian conifers of the Pinaceae family: new data towards identification and quality control
Chemistry & Biodiversity, V.19, N 2, February 2022, e202100755 doi:10.1002/cbdv.202100755, IF=2.745 - Yu.P. Ustimenko, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
Synthesis of chiral pinopyridines using catalysis by metal complexes
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2022, V. 58, N 2-3, Pp 135-143 doi:10.1007/s10593-022-03066-x, IF=1.49 - E. Avdeeva, Ya. Reshetov, D. Domrachev, E. Gulina, S. Krivoshchekov, M. Shurupova, K. Brazovskii, M. Belousov
Constituent composition of the essential oils from some species of the genus Saussurea DC
Natural Product Research, 2022, V. 36, N 2, Pp 660-663 doi:10.1080/14786419.2020.1795655, IF=2.488
2021- Н.И. Ткачева, С.В. Морозов, Е.В. Третьяков, А.В. Ткачев
Обзор состояния (инвентаризация) стойких органических загрязнителей (СОЗ) в объектах окружающей среды Мурманской области
Охрана окружающей среды и заповедное дело: электрон. журн. – 2021. - №3-4. – С. 106-127. - A. Tkachev, N. Nekratova, N. Belousova, M. Shurupova, W. Letchamo
Comparative GC-MS study of Schizonepeta multifida essential oil from Khakassia Republic shows potentials for nutraceuticals, flavor, and conservation
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021, V.11, N 2, Pp 300-305 doi:10.15421/2021_114 - E.S. Vasilyev, S.N. Bizyaev, V.Yu. Komarov, A.V. Tkachev
Bistricyclic aromatic enes annelated with nopinane fragment
Tetrahedron, V.83, 12 March 2021, 131979 doi:10.1016/j.tet.2021.131979, IF=2.457 - A.M. Agafontsev, A.S. Oshchepkov, T.A. Shumilova, E.A. Kataev
Binding and Sensing Properties of a Hybrid Naphthalimide-Pyrene Aza-Cyclophane towards Nucleotides in an Aqueous Solution
Molecules 2021, 26(4), 980 doi:10.3390/molecules26040980, IF=4.411 - Н.А. Панкрушина, Т.П. Кукина
Новые компоненты экстракта ALCEA NUDIFLORA после микроволновой экстракции
Химия растительного сырья. 2021. № 1. С. 79-84. doi:10.14258/jcprm.2021018361 - Yu. A. Bryleva, Yu. P. Ustimenko, V. F. Plyusnin, A. V. Mikheilis, A. A. Shubin, L. A. Glinskaya, V. Yu. Komarov, A. M. Agafontsev , A. V. Tkachev
Ln(III) complexes with a chiral 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine derivative fused with a (-)-α-pinene moiety: synthesis, crystal structure, and photophysical studies in solution and in the solid state
New J. Chem., 2021,45, 2276-2284 doi:10.1039/D0NJ05277A, IF=3.591
2020- Yu.P. Ustimenko, E.S. Vasilyev, S.N. Bizyaev, T.V. Rybalova, A.V. Tkachev
Synthesis of chiral spirodiazafluorenes
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2020, V. 56, Pp 1429-1433 doi:10.1007/s10593-020-02833-y, IF=1.519 - Synthesis, structure, and photoluminescent properties of lanthanide(III) complexes with a ligand based on 1,10-phenanthroline and borneol/ Yu. A. Bryleva, D. A. Piryazev, L. A. Glinskaya, A. M. Agafontsev, M. I. Rakhmanova & A. V. Tkachev// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2020, V. 61, N 11, Pp 1810-1822 doi:10.1134/S0022476620110141, IF=0.745
- A complex of Zn(II) with chiral nopinane-annelated 9,9′-bi-4,5-diazafluorenylidene: synthesis, structure, and properties/ T. E. Kokina, L. A. Glinskaya, D. A. Piryazev, E. S. Vasiliev, L. A. Sheludyakova, M. I. Rakhmanova & A. V. Tkachev// Journal of Structural Chemistry volume 61, pages1606–1614(2020) doi:10.1134/S0022476620100133, IF=0.745
- A.M. Agafontsev, T.A. Shumilova, A.S. Oshchepkov, F. Hampel, E. A. Kataev
Ratiometric detection of ATP by fluorescent cyclophanes with bellows-type sensing mechanism
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, V. 26, N 44, Special Issue: Young Chemists 2020, Pp. 9991-9997 doi:10.1002/chem.202001523, IF=4.857 - K.S. Marenin, A.M. Agafontsev, Yu.A. Bryleva, Yu.V. Gatilov, L.A. Glinskaya, D.A. Piryazev, A.V. Tkachev
Stereochemistry of the Kabachnik-Fields Condensation of Terpenic Amino Oximes with Aldehydes and Dimethyl Phosphite
ChemistrySelect, 2020, V.5 N 25, Pp 7596-7604 doi:10.1002/slct.202002369, IF=1.811 - T.E. Kokina, M.I. Rakhmanova, N.A. Shekhovtsov, L.A. Glinskaya, V.Y. Komarov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.Y. Baranov, P.E. Plyusnin, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.V. Tkachev, M.B. Bushuev
Luminescent Zn(ii) and Cd(ii) complexes with chiral 2,2э-bipyridine ligands bearing natural monoterpene groups: synthesis, speciation in solution and photophysics
Dalton Trans., 2020, V. 49, N 22, Pp 7552-7563 doi:10.1039/D0DT01438A, IF=4.174 - Н.Е. Костина, А.В. Спасельникова, А.А. Егорова, Е.В. Колосовская, Д.В. Домрачев, А.В. Романова, С.Р. Туманян, С. Хамас, Й. Кумлен, И.М. Дубовский, С.В. Герасимова
Создание линии табака со сниженными анти-фидантными свойствами по отношению к колорадскому жуку
Биотехнология и селекция растений. 2020. Т. 3. № 1. С. 24-30. doi:10.30901/2658-6266-2020-l-o5 - Synthesis, structure, and cytotoxicity of Pd(II) and Cu(II) complexes with 1-terpenyl-3-thiosemicarbazides of pinane and para-menthane series/ Kokina T.E., Komarov V. Yu., Glinskaya L.A., Bizyaev S.N., Sheludyakova L.A., Eremina Yu. A., Klyushova L.S., Tkachev A.V.// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2020, V. 61, N 1, Pp 44-56 doi:10.1134/S0022476620010059, IF=0.745
2019- S.V. Morozov, N.I. Tkacheva, A.V. Tkachev
On Problems of the Comprehensive Chemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. - 2019. - Vol. 45, No. 7 - P. 860–875. doi:10.1134/S1068162019070070, IF=0.794 - Physical Activation of Extraction and Organic Synthesis Processes/ Pankrushina N. A., Lomovsky O. I., Shakhtshneider T. P// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2019, V. 27, № 6, P. 704-715. (In Russian) doi:10.15372/KhUR2019194
- E.S. Vasilyev, S.N. Bizyaev, V.Yu. Komarov, A.V. Tkachev
Syntheses of chiral fused 4,5-diazafluorene–bis(nopinane) derivatives
Mendeleev Commun., 2019, V. 29, N 5, Pp 584-586 doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2019.09.036, IF=2.01 - E. S. Vasilyev, S. N. Bizyaev, V.Yu. Komarov, Yu.V. Gatilov, A. V. Tkachev
Chiral C2-Symmetric Diimines with 4,5-Diazafluorene Units
Molecules 2019, 24(17), 3186 doi:10.3390/molecules24173186, IF=3.59 - Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Photoluminescent Properties of Lanthanide(III) Complexes with a Ligand Based on 1,10-Phenanthroline and (+)-3-Carene/ Yu.A. Bryleva, L.A. Glinskaya, A.M. Agafontsev, M.I. Rakhmanova, A.S. Bogomyakov, T.S. Sukhikh, E.A. Gorbunova, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2019, V. 60, N 8, pp 1314-1326 doi:10.1134/S0022476619080110, IF=0.541
- T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, L.A. Sheludyakova, Yu.A. Eremina, L.S. Klyushova, V. Yu. Komarov, D.A. Piryazev, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov
Synthesis, structure, and cytotoxicity of complexes of zinc(II), palladium(II), and copper(I) chlorides with (-)-camphor thiosemicarbazone
Polyhedron, 2019, V. 163, Pp 121-130 doi:10.1016/j.poly.2019.02.020, IF=2.284 - A. M. Agafontsev, T. Shumilova, T.Ruffer, H. Lang, E.A. Kataev
Anthracene-based cyclophanes with selective fluorescent responses for TTP and GTP: insights into recognition and sensing mechanisms
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, V. 25, N 14, Pp 3541-3549 doi:10.1002/chem.201806130, IF=5.16 - A.M. Agafontsev, A. Ravi, T.A. Shumilova, A. Oshchepkov, E.A. Kataev
Molecular receptors for recognition and sensing of nucleotides
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, V. 25, N 11, Pp 2684-2694 doi:10.1002/chem.201802978, IF=5.16 - Luminescent Complexes of Zn(II) and Cd(II) with Chiral Ligands Containing 1,10-Phenanthroline and Natural Monoterpenoids (+)-3-Carene or (+)-Limonene Fragments/ T.E. Kokina, Yu. P. Ustimenko, M.I. Rakhmanova, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.M. Agafontsev, P.E. Plusnin, A.V. Tkachev, S.V.Larionov// Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2019, V. 89, N 1, pp 87-95 doi:10.1134/S107036321901016X, IF=0.643
2018- Yu.N. Malyar, M.A. Mikhailenko, N.A. Pankrushina, A.N. Mikheev, S.A. Kuznetsova, T.P. Shakhtshneider
Effect of Microwave Irradiation on Arabinogalactan and Its Interaction with Betulin Diacetate
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 762-767. doi:10.1134/S1068162018070075, IF=0.838 - A.V. Tkachev
Problems of the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Plant Volatiles
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2018, V. 44, N. 7, P. 813-833. doi:10.1134/S1068162018070142, IF=0.837 - С.В. Морозов, Н.И. Ткачева, А.В. Ткачев
Проблемы комплексного химического профилирования лекарственных растений
Химия растительного сырья. 2018. № 4. С. 5-28. doi: 10.14258/jcprm.2018044003 - Yu.P. Ustimenko, A.M. Agafontsev, V.Yu. Komarov, A.V. Tkachev
Synthesis of chiral nopinane annelated 3-methyl-1-aryl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines by condensation of pinocarvone oxime with 1-aryl-1H-pyrazol-5-amines
Mendeleev Communications, 2018, V. 28, N 6, Pp 584-586 doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2018.11.006, IF=2.098 - V.Yu. Kuksenok, V.V. Shtrykova, V.D. Filimonov, A.G. Druganov, A.A. Bondarev, K.S. Stankevich
The determination of enantiomer composition of 1-((3-chlorophenyl)-(phenyl)methyl) amine and 1-((3-chlorophenyl)(phenyl)-methyl) urea (Galodif) by NMR spectroscopy, chiral HPLC, and polarimetry
Chirality. 2018, V. 30, N 10 , Pp 1135-1143 doi:10.1002/chir.23005, IF=1.832 - Synthesis and structures of CuI,II complexes with a 2,2´-bipyridine derivative bearing a (+)-3-carene moiety/ T. E. Kokina. A. Glinskaya, D. A. Piryazev, A. Yu. Baranov, A. M. Agafontsev, Yu. A. Eremina, E. V. Vorontsova, A. S. Bogomyakov, D. Yu. Naumov, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2018, V. 67, N 7, pp 1251-1260 doi:10.1007/s11172-018-2209-1, IF=0.781
- Acid-catalyzed isomerization of caryophyllene in the presence of SiO2 and Al2O3 impregnated with sulfuric acid/ E. P. RomanenkoA. V. Tkachev// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2018, V. 67, N 6, pp 1051-1058 doi:10.1007/s11172-018-2179-3, IF=0.781
- A.E. Grazhdannikov, L.M. Kornaukhova, V.I. Rodionov, N.A. Pankrushina, E.E. Shults, A.S. Fabiano-Tixier, S.A. Popov, F. Chemat
Selecting a green strategy on extraction of birch bark and isolation of pure betulin using monoterpenes
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., , 2018, 6 (5), pp 6281-6288 doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00086, IF=6.14 - Yu.N. Malyar, M.A. Mikhailenko, N.A. Pankrushina, A.N. Mikheev, I.V. Eltsov, S.A. Kuznetsova, A.S. Kichkailo, T.P. Shakhtshneider
Microwave-assisted synthesis and antitumor activity of the supramolecular complexes of betulin diacetate with arabinogalactan
Chemical Papers, 2018, V. 72, N 5, pp 1257-1263 doi:10.1007/s11696-017-0362-x, IF=0.963 - Chemical profiling of Papaver Kuvajevii: Determination of the main cyanogenic glycoside - Taxifillin/ M.O. Korotkikh, A.V. Tkachev// Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya, 2018, N 2, Pp. 71-75 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2018023506
- A.M. Agafoncev, T.A. Shumilova, A.V. Tkachev
Microwave Assisted Syntheses of 4-Amino-carane-3-ols from 3,4-Epoxycarane and Heterocyclic Amines
Current microwawe chemistry, 2018, V. 5, N 1, Pp 54 - 61 doi:10.2174/2213335604666171129154210, IF=0.212 - Copper(II) Complexes with Chiral Ligands Containing Fragments of Monoterpenoids and Amino Acid Esters/ Copper(II) Complexes with Chiral Ligands Containing Fragments of Monoterpenoids and Amino Acid Esters// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2018, V. 44, N 2, pp 117-126 doi:10.1134/S1070328418020033, IF=0.674
2017- A.S. Kondratyev, V.D. Shteingarts, V.V. Litvak, E.V. Tretyakov, A.V. Tkachev
Domino reaction of (2-haloethyl)polyfluorophenyl sulfides, sulfoxides, and sulfones with ammonia or amines: one-pot synthesis of 3,4-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzothiazines polyfluorinated at the benzene ring and the corresponding 1-oxides and 1,1-dioxides
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2017, V. 53, N 12, P 1350-1361 doi:10.1007/s10593-018-2217-y, IF=0.893 - Ya.S. Fomenko, A.L. Gushchin, A.V. Tkachev, E.S. Vasilyev, P.A. Abramov, V.A. Nadolinny, M.M. Syrokvashin, M.N. Sokolov
Fist oxidovanadium complexes containing chiral derivatives of dihydrophenanthroline and diazofluorene
Polyhedron,2017, V. 135, Pp 96-100 doi:10.1016/j.poly.2017.07.003, IF=1.925 - Complexes of Cu(I) and Pd(II) with (+)-camphor and (-)-cavrone thiosemicarbazones: Synthesis, structure, and cytotoxicity of the Pd(II) complex/ T. E. Kokina, L. A. Sheludyakova, Yu. A. Eremina, E. V. Vorontsova, L. A. Glinskaya, D. A. Piryazev, E. V. Lider, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2017, V. 87, N 10, pp 2332-2342 doi:10.1134/S1070363217100140, IF=0.552
- Ю.Н. Маляр, М.А. Михайленко, Н.А. Панкрушина, А.Н. Михеев, С.А. Кузнецова, Т.П. Шахтшнейдер
Влияние микроволнового облучения на арабиногалактан и его взаимодействие с диацетатом бетулина
Химия растительного сырья. 2017. № 4. С. 73-79 - S.V. Larionov, Yu.A. Bryleva, L.A. Glinskaya, V.F. Plyusnin, A.S. Kupryakov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev, A.S. Bogomyakov, D.A. Piryazev, I.V. Korolkov
Ln(III) complexes (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) with a chiral ligand containing 1,10-phenanthroline and (-)-menthol fragments: synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and photoluminescence
Dalton Trans., 2017, V. 34, N 46, Pp. 11440-11450 doi:10.1039/C7DT01536D, IF=4.28 - А.В. Ткачев
Проблемы качественного и количественного анализа летучих веществ растений
Химия растительного сырья. 2017. № 3. С. 5-37. - О.Н. Шмендель, Д.Л. Прокушева, Д.В. Домрачев, В.В. Величко
Анализ продукции «Багульника болотного побеги» различных производителей
Фармация. 2017. Т. 66. № 4. С. 7-10. - N.I. Belousova, D.V. Domrachev, N.S. Fursa, M.V. Belousov
Composition of Essential Oil from Rhododendron caucasicum
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2017, V. 53, N 3, pp 574-575 doi:10.1007/s10600-017-2054-8, IF=0.46 - Structure and photoluminescence of Zn(II) and Сd(II) complexes with chiral bis-pyridine containing fragments of natural (–)-α-pinene/ T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, E.S. Vasiliev, M.I. Rakhmanova, S.V. Makarova, D.A. Piryazev, I.V. Korol'kov, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2017, V. 58, N 5, pp 994-1003 doi:10.1134/S0022476617050201, IF=0.472
- Complexes PdCl2 with optically active hybrid ligands built of α-pinene and β-alanine molecules/ T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, K.S. Marenin, I.V. Korol'kov, D.Yu. Naumov, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017, V. 43, N 4, pp 213-222 doi:10.1134/S1070328417030034, IF=0.541
- A synthesis of tritium-labeled juvenile hormone and / I.V. Romanova, A.A. Alekseev, V.A. Richter, N.E. Gruntenko, A.M. Agafontsev, E.K. Karpova// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2017, V. 43, N 2, pp 211-215 doi:10.1134/S1068162017020121, IF=0.689
- E.S. Vasilyev, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, A.V. Tkachev
Syntheses of chiral nopinane-annelated pyridines of C2 and D2-symmetry: X-ray structures of the fused derivatives of 4,5-diazafluorene, 4,5-diaza-9H-fluoren-9-one, and 9,9'-bi-4,5-diazafluorenylidene
Mendeleev Communications, 2017, V. 27, N 2, Pp 128-130 doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2017.03.006, IF=1.741 - A.V. Shpatov, S.A. Popov, O.I. Salnikova, T.P. Kukina, E.N. Shmidt, B.H. Um
Composition and Bioactivity of Lipophilic Metabolites from Needles and Twigs of Korean and Siberian Pines (Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc. and P. sibirica Du Tour)
Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2017, V. 14, N 2, Article number e1600203 doi:10.1002/cbdv.201600203, IF=1.44 - K.S. Marenin, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
Stereoselectivity of formation of monoterpene - Amino acids hybrid molecules in the reaction of monoterpene nitroso chlorides with α-amino acid derivatives
Steroids, 2016, V. 117, Pp 112-119 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2016.09.016, IF=2.282
2016- N.A. Pankrushina, K.B. Rakhmetali
Synthesis of lappaconitine N-oxide under microwave activation
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2016, V. 52, N 11, pp 970-972 doi:10.1007/s10593-017-1995-y, IF=0.814 - T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, A.V. Tkachev, V.F. Plyusnin, Yu.V. Tsoy, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.S. Vasilyev, D.A. Piryazev, L.A. Sheludyakova, S.V. Larionov
Chiral zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes with a dihydrophenanthroline ligand bearing (-)-α-pinene fragments: synthesis, crystal structures and photophysical properties
Polyhedron, 2016, V. 117, 15 October 2016, Pp 437-444 doi:10.1016/j.poly.2016.06.018, IF=2.108 - A.M. Agafontsev, T.A. Shumilova, P.A. Panchenko, S. Janz, O.A. Fedorova, E.A. Kataev
Utilizing a pH-Sensitive Dye in the Selective Fluorescent Recognition of Sulfate
CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, V. 22, N 42, October 10, 2016, Pp 15069-15074 doi:10.1002/chem.201602623, IF=5.77 - T.N. Drebushchak, V.A. Drebushchak, N.A. Pankrushina, E.V. Boldyreva
Single-crystal to single-crystal conformational polymorphic transformation in tolbutamide at 313 K. Relation to other polymorphic transformations in tolbutamide and chlorpropamide
CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 5736-5743 doi:10.1039/C6CE00764C, IF=3.848 - A.A. Gabrienko, A.V. Ewing, A.M. Chibiryaev, A.M. Agafontsev, K.A. Dubkov, S.G. Kazarian
New insights into the mechanism of interaction between CO2 and polymers from thermodynamic parameters obtained by in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18(9), 6465-6475 doi:10.1039/C5CP06431G, IF=4.448 - T.P. Kukina, O.I. Sal'nikova, N.K. Khidyrova, M.D. Rakhmatova, N.A. Pankrushina, A.E. Grazhdannikov
Aliphatic and Terpene Constituents of Alcea nudiflora Extracts
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2016, V.52, N 2, pp 285-287 doi:10.1007/s10600-016-1615-6, IF=0.472
2015- G.Z. Baisalova, N.A. Pankrushina, R.S. Erkasov, M.S. Shengene, K.K. Kulanova, A.D. Spanbayev, R.S. Orazbaeva
Virus inhibitory activity of methanol extracts of Halimodendron halodendron Voss
PLANTA MEDICA, 2016, V. 81, N 16, Pp 1507-1507 Аннотация к встрече: PW-52 doi:10.1055/s-0035-1565676, IF=2.151 - Structure of [Pd2(H2L1)Cl4] and [Pd2(H2L1)Cl4]•0,5CH2Cl2 compounds with chiral bis-α-sulfanyl oxime, a derivative of natural monoterpenoid (+)-3-carene (H2L1)/ T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, N.B. Gorshkov, N.V. Kuratieva, I.V. Korol’kov, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2015, V. 56, N 5, pp 919-925 doi:10.1134/S0022476615050145, IF=0.508
- Copper(II) and silver(I) complexes with chiral N-substituted aminoacetic acid derivatives containing the natural monoterpenes (+)-3-carene and (-)-α-pinene: Synthesis and structures/ T. E. Kokina , A. M. Agafontsev, K. S. Marenin, L. A. Glinskaya, L. A. Sheludyakova, N. V. Kurat'eva, P. E. Plyusnin, M. I. Rakhmanova, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2015, V. 41, N 10, pp 658-663 doi:10.1134/S1070328415100024, IF=0.484
- M.O. Korotkikh, N.A. Pankrushina, O.I. Sal'nikova, A.E. Sonnikova
Alkaloids from the New Species Papaver kuvajevii
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, July 2015, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp 803-804 doi:10.1007/s10600-015-1418-1, IF=0.509 - S.N. Bizyaev, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.V. Tkachev
Syntheses of α-cyano substituted oximes from terpenic hydrocarbons via nitroso chlorides: X-ray structures of 3-cyanocaran-4-one oxime, 2-cyanopinan-3-one oxime and 1-cyano-p-menth-8-en-2-one oxime
Mendeleev Communications, V. 25, N 2, 2015, Pp 93-95 doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2015.03.003, IF=1.34 - Complexes of Pd(II) and Zn(II) chlorides with anthracene-containing &aplha;-amino oxime derived from the naturally occurring monoterpenoid (+)-3-carene/ S. V. Larionov, T. E. Kokina, L. I. Myachina, L. A. Glinskaya, M. I. Rakhmanova, D. Yu. Naumov, A. V. Tkachev, A. M. Agafontsev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, March 2015, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 162-168 doi:10.1134/S1070328415030070, IF=0.484
- Synthesis of glycidyl ethers derived from terpene α-amino oximes and beta-substituted alcohols on their basis/ T.A. Shumilova, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2015, V. 64, N 1, pp 99-106 doi:10.1007/s11172-015-0827-4, IF=0.481
- Н.И. Белоусова, Н.А. Некратова, А.В. Ткачев, М.Н. Шурупова
Эфирное масло Shizonepeta multifida (Республика Хакасия)
в Кн. «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы». Новосибирск: Золотой колос, 2015 (ISBN 978-5-94477-170-4) - С. 59-63.
2014- G.Zh. Baisalova, N.A. Pankrushina, D.V. Domrachev, O.I. Salnikova, R.Sh. Erkassov
Volatile Constituents of Halimodendron halodendron Voss. Growing in Kazakhstan
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2014, V.. 17, N 5, P. 886-890. doi:10.1080/0972060X.2014.935074, IF=0.187 - S.V. Larionov, T.E. Kokina, V.F. Plyusnin, L.A. Glinskaya, A.V. Tkachev, Yu.A. Bryleva, N.V. Kuratieva, M.I. Rakhmanova, E.S. Vasilyev
Synthesis, structure and photoluminescence of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with pyridophenazine derivative
Polyhedron, 2014, V. 77, Pp 75-80. doi:10.1016/j.poly.2014.04.011, IF=2.46 - E.S. Vasilyev, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Chiral Nopinane-Annelated Pyridines by Condensation of Pinocarvone Oxime with Enamines Promoted by FeCl3 and CuCl2
Synthetic Communications: An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2014, V. 44, N 12, pp 1817-1824. doi:10.1080/00397911.2013.877145, IF=0.984 - Synthesis of chiral multifunctional N-terpene-containing amino acid derivatives based on simplest achiral amino acids and natural monoterpenes/ K. S. Marenin, A. M. Agafontsev, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Chemical Bulletin, March 2014, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 759-764 doi:10.1007/s11172-014-0504-z, IF=0.509
- E.S. Vasilyev, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev
Syntheses of Nopinane-Annelated Pyridines
Chem. Listy – 2014. – Vol. 108 – s145. - T. Shumilova, K. Marenin, A. Agafontsev, A. Tkachev
New Approaches to Chiral Heteroatomic Auxiliaries from monoterpenes.
Chem. Listy – 2014. – Vol. 108 – s141 - A. Tkachev, D. Makarova, D. Domrachev, E. Romanenko, A. Nefedov, E. Karpova
Monitoring of key secondary metabolites of isoprenoid nature in Siberian plants
Chem. Listy – 2014. – Vol. 108 – s119., IF=0.195 - М.А. Мяделец, Д.В. Домрачев, А.Н. Крикливая, Г.И. Высочина
Зависимость состава эфирного масла monarda didyma l. ( lamiaceae) от возраста растений и характера сырья
Химия растительного сырья. 2014. № 1. С. 215-219.
2013- A.V. Shpatov, S.A. Popov, O.I. Salnikova, E.A. Khokhrina, E.N. Shmidt, B.H. Um
Low-Volatile Lipophilic Compounds in Needles, Defoliated Twigs, and Outer Bark of Pinus thunbergii
Natural Product Communications, 2013, V. 8, N 12, P. 1759-1762., IF=0.955 - D.N. Olennikov, L.M. Tankhaeva, N.A. Pankrushina, D.V. Sandanov
Phenolic compounds of Sophora flavescens Soland. of Russian origin
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2013, V., N 7, pp 755-760 .(Original Russian Text © D.N. Olennikov, L.M. Tankhaeva, N.A. Pankrushina, D.V. Sandanov, 2012, published in Khimiya Rastitel’nogo Syr’ya, 2012, No. 4, pp. 101–108.) doi:10.1134/S106816201307011X, IF=0.523 - M.A. Myadelets, D.V. Domrachev, V.A. Cheremushkina
A study of the chemical composition of essential oils of some species from the Lamiaceae L. family cultivated in the Western Siberian Region
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2013, V. 39, N 7, pp 733-738.(Original Russian Text © M.A. Myadelets, D.V. Domrachev, V.A. Cheremushkina, 2012, published in Khimiya Rastitel’nogo Syr’ya, 2012, No. 1, pp. 111–117.) doi:10.1134/S1068162013070091, IF=0.523 - Complexes of PdCl2 with chiral oximes of α-(o-anisidino)caranone and α-(o-anisidino)pinanone: synthesis and crystal structures/ T. E. Kokina, L. A. Glinskaya, A. M. Agafontsev, E. V. Artimonova, L. A. Sheludyakova, I. V. Korol’kov, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2013, V. 62, N 12, pp 2595-2602. doi:10.1007/s11172-013-0378-5, IF=0.423
- E.A. Khokhrina, A.V. Shpatov, S.A. Popov, O.I. Sal'nikova, E.N. Shmidt, B.H. Um
Non-Volatile Compounds of Needles, Trimmed Saplings, and Outer Bark of Pinus densiflora
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2013, V. 49, N 3, P. 561-565. doi:10.1007/s10600-013-0673-2, IF=0.598 - Synthesis of optically active Zn(II) complexes with thiosemicarbazones of (+)-camphor (L) and (-)-carvone (L1). The crystal structures of L and [Zn(L)2Cl2]/ T. E. Kokina, N. B. Gorshkov, L. A. Glinskaya, N. V. Kurat’eva, L. A. Sheludyakova, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2013, V. 39, N 6, Pp 442-449. doi:10.1134/S1070328413050035, IF=0.465
- T.N. Drebushchak, N.A. Pankrushina, A.N. Mikheev, M.K. A. Thumm
Crystalline products of tolbutamide decomposition in water after microwave treatment
CrystEngComm, 2013, V. 15, N 18, P. 3582-3586. doi:10.1039/c3ce40145f, IF=3.878 - Composition of Essential Oils of Some Species of the Agastache Clayton ex Gronov Genus (Lamiaceae) Cultivated Under the Conditions of the Middle Urals/ M. A. Myadelets, T. A. Vorobyeva, D. V. Domrachev// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2013, Т. 21,. № 4, pp. 419-423. (in russian).
- Regulation of persistent properties of microorganisms by plant extracts of coniferous plants/ T.M. Utkina, L.P. Potehina, O.L. Kartashova, А.V.Tkachev//
- A.V. Shpatov, S.A. Popov, O.I. Salnikova, E.N. Shmidt, S.W. Kang, S.M. Kim, B.H. Um
Lipophilic Extracts from Needles and Defoliated Twigs of Pinus pumila from Two Different Populations
Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2013, V. 10, N 2, P. 198-208. doi:10.1002/cbdv.201200009, IF=1.807 - Synthesis and structure of palladium(II) and copper(II) complexes with chiral bis-alpha-aminooximes containing (+)-3-carene or (+)-limonene fragments and 4,4 '-methylenedianiline linker. Crystal structure of the complex [Cu( I-PrOH)Cl 2(μ-H2L 3)CuCl2•H2O]/ T. E. Kokina, A. V. Tkachev, L. I. Myachina, S. N. Bizyaev, L. A. Sheludyakova, L. A. Glinskaya, I. V. Korol’kov, E. G. Boguslavskii, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2013, V. 83, N 2, pp 336-347 doi:10.1134/S1070363213020175, IF=0.432
- Synthesis, structure, and properties of nitronyl nitroxyl tetraradical with calix[4]arene framework/ E. V. Tret’yakov, V. G. Vasil’ev, A. S. Bogomyakov, G. V. Romanenko, M. V. Fedin, I. S. Antipin, S. E. Solov’eva, A. I. Konovalov, R. Z. Sagdeev, V. I. Ovcharenko// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2013, V. 62, N 2, pp 543-547. doi:10.1007/s11172-013-0075-4, IF=0.423
- М.А. Мяделец, О.Ю. Васильева, Д.В. Домрачев
Исследование химического состава эфирных масел ORIGANUM VULGARE L. с различной окраской цветков
Химия растительного сырья, 2013, N 1, С. 129-136.
2012- V.V. Martemyanov, I.M. Dubovskiy, I.A. Belousova, S.V. Pavlushin, D.V. Domrachev, M.J. Rantala, J.-P. Salminen, S.A. Bakhvalov, V.V. Glupov
Rapid induced resistance of silver birch affects both innate immunity and performance of gypsy moths: the role of plant chemical defenses
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2012, V. 6, N 4, pp 507-518. doi:10.1007/s11829-012-9202-7 - Comparative analysis of volatiles from needles of five-needle pines of northern and eastern Eurasia/ D.V. Domrachev, E.V. Karpova, S.N. Goroshkevich, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS J BIOORG CHEM+, 2012, V. 38, N 7, pp. 780-789. doi:10.1134/S1068162012070059, IF=0.635
- Crystal and molecular structure of the [Zn(HL)Cl]center dot EtOH compound, (H2L = chiral bis(menthane)propylenediaminodioxime)/ L.A. Glinskaya, Z.A. Savel’eva, S.N. Bizyaev, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// J STRUCT CHEM+, 2012, V. 53, N 6, pp. 1111-1117. doi:10.1134/S0022476612060145, IF=0.586
- Nanoporous solvate of N,N-phthaloyl-glycine/ N. A. Tumanov, N. A. Pankrushina, A. A. Nefedov, E. V. Boldyreva// J STRUCT CHEM+, 2012, V. 53, N 3, pp. 606-609. doi:10.1134/S0022476612030298, IF=0.586
- I.E. Paukov, Y.A. Kovalevskaya, A.E. Arzamastcev, N.A. Pankrushina, E.V. Boldyreva
Heat capacity of methacetin in a temperature range of 6 to 300 K
J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2012, V. 108, N1, 243-247. doi:10.1007/s10973-011-1505-x, IF=1.603 - М.А. Мяделец, Д.В. Домрачев, С.В. Водолазова
Исследование химического состава эфирных масел NEPETA SIBIRICA L., THYMUS PETRAEUS L. И SCHIZONEPETA MULTIFIDA L., произрастающих на территории республики хакасия
Химия растительного сырья, 2012, № 4, 119-124. - Phenolic compounds of Sophora flavescens Soland. of Russian origin/ D. N. Olennikov, L. M. Tankhaeva, N. A. Pankrushina, D. V. Sandanov// RUSS J BIOORG CHEM+, 2013, V.39, N 7, pp 755-760. doi:10.1134/S106816201307011X
- Reactions of 3-carene, limonene, and alpha-pinene nitrosochlorides with imidazole, benzotriazole, and indole/ S.N. Bizyaev, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS CHEM B+ 2012, V. 61, N 3, pp. 589-595. doi:10.1007/s11172-012-0085-7, IF=0.379
- A study of the chemical composition of essential oils of some species from the Lamiaceae L. family cultivated in the Western Siberian Region/ M. A. Myadelets, D. V. Domrachev, V. A. Cheremushkina// RUSS J BIOORG CHEM+, 2013, V.39, N 7, pp 733-738. doi:10.1134/S1068162013070091
2011- Synthesis and properties of ZnII and CdII complexes with chiral N-derivatives of aminoacetic acid based on natural monoterpenes (+)-3-carene and (-)-α-pinene. Crystal structure of coordination polymer [Zn(HL)Cl •2H2O]n/ S.V. Larionov, T.E. Kokina, A.M. Agafontsev, K.S. Marenin, L.A. Glinskaya, I.V. Korol'kov, M.I. Rakhmanova, E.M. Uskov, P.E. Plyusnin, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS CHEM B+, 2011, V. 60, N 12, pp 2555-2563 doi:10.1007/s11172-011-0393-3, IF=0.629
- Synthesis, structure, and blue photoluminescence of the coordination chain polymer [Cd2(L)Cl4]n (L = 2-(3,5- dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-4-methylquinoline)/ S.V. Larionov, Z.A. Savel'Eva, E.M. Uskov, M.I. Rakhmanova, G.V. Romanenko, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS J COORD CHEM+, 2011, V. 37, N 10, pp 719-724. doi:10.1134/S1070328411100058, IF=0.591
- E.S. Vasilyev, A.M. Agafontsev, V.D. Kolesnik, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.V. Tkachev
Stereoselective functionalisation of pinopyridine with anisidines and o-phenylenediamine
Mendeleev Commun., 2011, V. 21, N 5, 253-255. doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2011.09.007, IF=0.814 - Содержание алкалоидов в различных частях Sophora flavescens/ Д.В. Санданов, Н.А. Панкрушина// Хим. Природ. Соедин., 2011, № 4, 585-586. doi:10.1007/s10600-011-0029-8, IF=0.693
- Synthesis and properties of Cu(II) and Pd(ii) complexes with chiral bis-α-sulfanyl oxymes, the derivatives of natural monoterpene, α-pinene/ T.E. Kokina, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.V. Tkachev, E.G. Boguslavskii, A.M. Agafontsev, N.B. Gorshkov, S.V. Larionov// RUSS J ORG CHEM+, 2011, V. 47, N 8, pp. 651-1657. doi:10.1134/S1070363211080123, IF=0.393
- A.M. Agafontsev, N.B. Gorshkov, A.V. Tkachev
Efficient synthesis of β-hydroxy sulfides by microwave-promoted ring opening in (+)-3-carene trans-epoxide with sodium thiolates
Mendeleev Commun., 2011, V. 21, N 4, 192-193. doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2011.07.006, IF=0.814 - Crystal structure of solvate [Cd2L2Cl4]•CH2Cl2 (L = pyrazolylquinoline, the derivative of monoterpenoid (+)-3-carene) and photoluminescence of chiral complex CdLCl2/ S.V. Larionov, Z.A. Savel'eva, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, E.M. Uskov, M.I. Rakhmanova, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// J STRUCT CHEM+, 201, V. 52, N 3, pp 531-537. doi:10.1134/S0022476611030127, IF=0.546
- Features of Chemical Reactions in the Absence of Solvents under Microwave Action/ A. N. Mikheev, V. G. Makotchenko, N. A. Pankrushina, M. O. Korotkikh, A.V. Arzhannikov, М. К. А. Thumm// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2011, Т. 19, № 6, 669-677.
- Triterpenoids in the Conferous Plants of Pinaceae Family/ T. P. Kukina, E. N. Shmidt// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2011, Т. 19, № 6, 655-659.
- М.Ю. Круглова, М.А. Ханина, Д.Л. Макарова, Д.В. Домрачев
Исследование эфирного масла из надземной части Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim
Медицина и образование в Сибири, 2011 , № 5, статья 13 - A new type of polymorphic transformation in tolbutamide: Unusual low-temperature conformation ordering/ T. N. Drebushchak, N. A. Pankrushina, E. V. Boldyreva// DOKL PHYS CHEM, 2011, V. 437, N 2, pp. 61-64. doi:10.1134/S0012501611040014, IF=0.256
- Comparative analysis of volatiles from needles of five-needle pines of northern and eastern Eurasia/ D. V. Domrachev, E. V. Karpova, S. N. Goroshkevich, A. V. Tkachev// RUSS J BIOORG CHEM+, 2012, V. 38, N 7, pp 780-789. doi:10.1134/S1068162012070059
- Н.С. Фурса, П.Ю. Шкроботько, Д.Л. Макарова, Д.В. Домрачев, С.В. Панченко, И.В. Чикина, О.А. Колосова
Изучение компонентного состава валерианового эфирного масла полученного паровой дистилляцией
Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Сер.: Химия, биология, фармация, 2011 , № 2, 233-239. - Л.Н. Прибыткова, А.В. Ткачев, С.С. Зоркальцев, С.И. Писарева, С.В. Тузова
Изучение химического состава и антиоксидантной активности полифенолов Artemisia santolinifolia
Сибирский медицинский журнал (г. Томск), 2011 , Т. 26, № 1, В. 2, 65-67. - В.А. Агеев, Д.Л. Макарова, Д.В. Домрачев, А.П. Родин, М.А. Ханина
Изучение химического состава эфирного масла Aegopodium podagraria L. флоры Сибири
Химия растительного сырья, 2011, № 1, 129-132. - Synthesis and photoluminescence of the chiral compounds [ZnLCl2] • EtOH и ZnLCl2, where L is the (+)-3-Carene derivative containing pyrazoline and quinoline fragments: Crystal structure of [ZnLCl2] •EtOH/ S.V. Larionov, Z.A. Savel'Eva, R.F. Klevtsova, E.M. Uskov, L.A. Glinskaya, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS J COORD CHEM+, 2011, V. 37, N 1, pp 1-7. doi:10.1134/S1070328410121036, IF=0.591
2010- _Induction of terpenoid synthesis in leaves of silver birch after defoliation caused by gypsy moth caterpillars/ V.V. Martemyanov, D.V. Domrachev, S.V. Pavlushin, I.A. Belousova, S.A. Bakhvalov, A.V. Tkachev, V.V. Glupov// Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010, V. 435, N 1, pp 407-410 doi:10.1134/S0012496610060104
- E.A. Korolyuk, A.V. Tkachev
_Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Two Wormwood Species Artemisia frigida and Artemisia argyrophylla
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2010, V. 36, N 7, pp 884-893. doi:10.1134/S1068162010070162, IF=0.472 - Chiral complexes of PdCl2 with hydroxypyrazolylquinoline and pyrazolylquinoline based on the monoterpenoid (+)-3-carene: Synthesis and structures/ Z.A. Savel'eva, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, S.V. Larionov, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS J COORD CHEM+, 2010, V. 36, № 9, pp 685-692. doi:10.1134/S1070328410090083, IF=0.605
- On Mechanochemical Dimerization of Anthracene. Different Possible Reaction Pathways/ V. M. Tapilin, N. N. Bulgakov, A. P. Chupakhin, A. A. Politov, A. G. Druganov// J STRUCT CHEM+, 2010, V. 51, N 4, pp 635-641. doi:10.1007/s10947-010-0093-0, IF=0.453
- Synthesis of solvates of the copper(II) complex with chiral caryophyllane-type morpholino oxime (HL). Structure of Cu(HL)Cl2 • CHCl3/ S.V. Larionov, L.I. Myachina, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, E.G. Boguslavskii, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS J COORD CHEM+, 2010, V. 36, № 8, pp 579-584. doi:10.1134/S107032841008004X, IF=0.605
- Synthesis of terpenoid bis-alpha-sulfanyl oximes and macrocycles on their basis/ N.B. Gorshkov, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev// RUSS CHEM B+, 2010, V. 59, N 7, pp 1467-1471. doi:10.1007/s11172-010-0264-3, IF=0.416
- Crystal structure and photoluminescence of the optically active complex [ZnL1Cl2], where L1 = pyrazolylquinoline - a derivative of monoterpenoid (+)-3-carene/ S.V. Larionov, Z.A. Savels'eva, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, E.M. Uskov, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// J STRUCT CHEM+, 2010, V. 51, N 3, pp. 519-525. doi:10.1007/s10947-010-0075-2, IF=0.453
- N.E. Polyakov, O.A. Simaeva, M.B. Taraban, T.V. Leshina, T.A. Konovalova, L.D. Kispert, I.A. Nikitina, N.A. Pankrushina, A.V. Tkachev
CIDNP and EPR Study of Phototransformation of Lappaconitine Derivatives in Solution
J. Phys. Chem. B., 2010, V. 114, N 13, 4646-4651. doi:10.1021/jp909166r, IF=3.47 - Essential oil from Kazakhstan Artemisia species/ E.M. Suleimenov, A.V. Tkachev, S.M. Adekenov// Химия природных соединений, 2010, V. 46, N 1, 135-139 doi:10.1007/s10600-010-9548-y, IF=0.572
- VALERIANA OFFICINALIS: COMPONENT COMPOSITION OF VOLATILE COMPOUNDS IN THE LEAVES FROM THE OUT SKIRTS OF YAROSLAVL AND ZAPOROJIE/ P. Ju. Shkrobotko, A. V. Tkachev, M.S. Jusubov, M. V. Belousov, N. S. Fursa// Российский медико-биологический вестник им. акад. И.П. Павлова, 2010 , В. 2, 141-150.
- Induction of terpenoid synthesis in leaves of silver birch after defoliation caused by gypsy moth caterpillars/ V. V. Martemyanov, D. V. Domrachev, S. V. Pavlushin, I. A. Belousova, S. A. Bakhvalov, A. V. Tkachev, V. V. Glupov// Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010, V. 433, N 1, pp 407-410. doi:10.1134/S0012496610060104
- Supramolecular 1D assemblies of polyfluorinated arylenediamines and 18-crown-6/ S. Z. Kusov, Yu. V. Gatilov, I. Yu. Bagryanskaya, G. V. Romanenko, T. A. Vaganova, I. K. Shundrina, E. V. Malykhin// RUSS CHEM B+, 2010, V. 59, N 2, pp 382-390. doi:10.1007/s11172-010-0090-7, IF=0.416
- А.В. Стародубов, Д.В. Домрачев, А.В. Ткачёв
Состав эфирного масла кедрового стланика (Pinus pumila) из Хабаровского края
Химия растительного сырья, 2010, № 1, 81-86.
2009- Chemical composition of the essential oil from two wormwood species Artemisia frigida and Artemisia argyrophylla/ E. A. Korolyuk, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2010, V. 36, N 7, pp 884-893 doi:10.1134/S1068162010070162
- A.M. Agafontsev, T.V. Rybalova, Y.V. Gatilov, A.V. Tkachev
First stereoselective cyclisation in the cembrane series: X-ray structure of (+)-(4R,8R,11S,12E,14S,16R)-11-isopropyl-4,8,14-trimethyl-14-morpholin-4-yl-3-oxa-2-azatricyclo[,16]hexadeca-1,12-diene.
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- Synthesis of Pd(II) complexes containing the protonated form or molecule of 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-4-methylquinoline (L) The crystal structure of [Pd(HL)Cl3]/ Z.A. Savel'eva, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, S.V. Larionov, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, V. 35, N 9, pp 668-673. doi:10.1134/S1070328409090073, IF=0.533
- N.B. Gorshkov, A.M. Agafontsev, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.V. Tkachev
Mannich-type three component conden-sation of a-substituted caran-4-one oximes with formaldehyde and secondary amines
Mendeleev Commun., 2009, V. 19, N 3, 139-140. doi:10.1016/j.mencom.2009.05.008, IF=0.609 - Synthesis of binuclear complexes of PdCl2 with chiral α,α'-diamino-meta-xylene dioximes H2L1, H2L2, and H2L3, the derivatives of the terpenes (+)-3-carene, R-(+)-limonene, and (S)-(-)-α-pinene. Crystal structure of [Pd2(H2L1)Cl4]/ S.V. Larionov, L.I. Myachina, Z.A. Savel'Eva, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, A.V. Tkachev, A.M. Agafontsev, S.N. Bizyaev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, V. 35, N 4, pp 286-295. doi:10.1134/S1070328409040095, IF=0.533
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_Phase Transitions in the Crystals of L- and DL-Cysteine on Cooling: The Role of the Hydrogen-Bond Distortions and the Side-Chain Motions. 2. DL-Cysteine
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009 , V. 113, N 15, 5262-5272. doi:10.1021/jp810355a, IF=4.189 - Synthesis and properties of the Cu(II) complexes with chiral bis{(E)-[(1S,4R)-δ7,8-1-amino-2-para-menthalidene]aminohydroxy} methane (L - A derivative of natural terpenoid (R)-(+)-limonene). Crystal structure of the [Cu(L)(μ-Cl)CuCl3] • iso-PrOH solvate/ T.E. Kokina, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, E.G. Boguslavskii, L..A. Sheludyakova, S.V. Larionov, S.N. Bisyaev, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, V. 35, N 3, pp 200-209. doi:10.1134/S1070328409030075, IF=0.533
- Synthesis of binuclear complexes of PdCl2 with chiral ethylenediamine dioxime (H2L1), piperazine dioxime (H2L2), and propylenediamine dioxime (H2L3), the derivatives of the natural monoterpenoid R-(+)-limonene. The crystal structures of [Pd2(H2L1)Cl4]] and [Pd2(H2L2)Cl4]/ Z.A. Savel'Eva, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, S.V. Larionov, A.V. Tkachev, S.N. Bizyaev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, V. 35, N 2, pp 128-135. doi:10.1134/S1070328409020079, IF=0.533
2008- N. Pankrushina, I. Nikitina, E. Chernjak, C. Myz, T. Shakhtshneider, V. Boldyrev
Solvent-free mechanochemical modification of lappakonifine and piroxicam
Mater. Manuf. Process., 2008, V.23, N 6, 561-565. doi:10.1080/10426910802157870, IF=0.611 - Copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes with a chiral 5-pyrazolone derivative obtained from the terpene (+)-3-carene: Synthesis and properties/ Z.A. Savel’eva, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, E.G. Boguslavskii, S.A. Popov, N.V. Semikolenova, A.V. Tkachev, V.A. Zakharov, S.V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, V. 34, N 10, pp 766-771 doi:10.1134/S1070328408100102, IF=0.533
- V.S. Minkov, A.S. Krylov, E.V. Boldyreva, S.V. Goryainov, S.N. Bizyaev, A.N. Vtyurin
Pressure-induced phase transitions in crystalline l- and DL-cysteine
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, V. 112, N 30, 8851-8854. doi:10.1021/jp8020276, IF=4.85 - Экстрактивные вещества хвои ели сибирской Picea obovata Ledeb/ Э.Н. Шмидт, Г.Ф. Черненко, Т.П. Кукина, Л.М. Покровский// Химия природных соединений, Т. 44, N 4, 508-509. doi:10.1007/s10600-008-9115-y, IF=0.442
- T.N. Drebushchak, S.N. Bizyaev, E.V. Boldyreva
Bis(DL-cysteinium) oxalate
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- Novel carbonyl complexes of ruthenium with α-substituted oxime derivatives of terpenes/ I.Yu. Shabalina, A.V. Golovin, V.P. Kirin, V.A. Maksakov, A.V. Virovets, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, V. 34, N 4, Pp 286-294. doi:10.1134/S1070328408040088, IF=0.533
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- Synthesis and structure of Cu(II) and Pd(II) coordination compounds with chiral alpha-thiooxime, a derivative of natural terpenoid (-)-alpha-pinene/ T.E. Kokina, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, May 2008, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 696-703., 2008, V. 34, N 5, 696-703. doi:10.1134/S0036023608050069, IF=0.533
- Binuclear Pd(II) complexes with chiral ethylenediaminodioxime (H2L) and bis-α-thiooxime (H2L1), the derivative of monoterpenoid(+)-3-carene. Crystal structures of [Pd2(H2L)Cl4] and [Pd2(H2L1)Cl4] •3CDCl3/ T.E. Kokina, L.I. Myachina, L.A. Glinskaya, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Sheludyakova, S.V. Larionov, A.V. Tkachev, S.N. Bizyaev, A.M. Agafontsev, N.B. Gorshkov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, V. 34, N 2, Pp 115-128. doi:10.1007/s11173-008-2007-7, IF=0.533
- Д.Л. Макарова, М.А. Ханина, В.П. Амельченко, Д.В. Домрачев, А.В. Ткачев
Изучение химического состава эфирного масла Artemisia pontica L. флоры Сибири
Химия растительного сырья, 2008, № 2, 55-60. - Е.В. Исаева, Г.А. Ложкина, Т.В. Рязанова, А.И. Вялков, Д.В. Домрачев, А.В. Ткачев
Хромато-масс-спектрометрическое исследование летучих компонентов вегетативной части тополя бальзамического
Химия растительного сырья, 2008, № 1, 63-66.
2007- Chirospecific analysis of plant volatiles/ A V Tkachev// Russ. Chem. Rev. 2007, 76(10) 951 doi:10.1070/RC2007v076n10ABEH003728, IF=1.717
- Состав эфирного масла Artemisia glauca из Западной Сибири/ Е.В. Полянская, Е.А. Королюк, А.В. Ткачёв// Хим. Природ. Соедин., 2007, N 5, 880-889. doi:10.1007/s10600-007-0187-x, IF=0.393
- Synthesis and structure of the [Ni(H2L)Cl]Cl complex with the chiral pentadentate nitrogen-containing ligand H2L derived from the natural terpenoid (+)-3-carene/ S. V. Larionov, L. I. Myachina, L. A. Glinskaya, R. F. Klevtsova, S. N. Bizyaev, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2007, V. 56, N 9, pp 1771-1774 doi:10.1007/s11172-007-0275-x, IF=0.504
- Triosmium cluster with the bridging aminooxime derivative of pinane: Synthesis, crystal structure and conformational analysis/ V.S. Korenev, V.P. Kirin, V.A. Maksakov, A.V. Virovets, S.V. Tkachev, V.A. Potemkin, A.M. Agafontsev, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, V. 33, N 8, pp 594-600 doi:10.1134/S1070328407080088, IF=0.533
- Nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes with chiral bis-α-thiooxime, the derivative of natural terpenoid (+)-3-carene: Synthesis and structures/ S.V. Larionov, T.E. Kokina, A.M. Agafontsev, N.B. Gorshkov, A.V. Tkachev, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, V. 33, N 7, pp 514-522 doi:10.1134/S107032840707007X, IF=0.418
- Liquid-phase noncatalytic oxidation of monoterpenoids with nitrous oxide/ E. P. Romanenko, E. V. Starokon’, G. I. Panov, A. V. Tkacheva// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2007, V. 56, N 6, pp 1239-1243 doi:10.1007/s11172-007-0187-9, IF=0.504
- Transformation of 1,2,3,7atetrahydroimidazo[1,2-b]isoxazole derivatives into isoxazoles/ N. V. Chukanov, S. A. Popov, G. V. Romanenko, V. A. Reznikova// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2007, V. 56, N 6, pp 1227-1233 doi:10.1007/s11172-007-0185-y, IF=0.504
- Cobalt(II) and copper(II) complexes with chiral pyrazolylquinoline, a derivative of terpenoid (+)-3-carene. Catalytic activity in ethylene polymerization reaction/ S.V. Larionov, Z.A. Savel'eva, N.V. Semikolenova, R.F. Klevtsova, L.A. Glinskaya, E.G. Boguslavskii, V.N. Ikorskii, V.A. Zakharov, S.A. Popov, A.V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, V. 33, N 6, pp 436-448 doi:10.1134/S1070328407060097, IF=0.418
- Трехкомпонентная конденсация 6-хинолиламина с ароматическими альдегидами и циклическими 1, 3-дикетонами/ Н.Г. Козлов, К.Н. Гусак, А.В. Ткачев// Хим. Гетероцик. Соединен., 2007. № 6, 877-885. doi:10.1007/s10593-007-0120-z
- Е.П. Романенко, А.В. Ткачев
Кислотно-катализируемая изомеризация оксида кариофиллена в присутствии SiO2 и Al2O3, импрегнированных серной кислотой.
Хим. Инт. Уст. Разв., 2007, Т. 15, N 5, 581-594. - Н.А. Панкрушина, И.А. Никитина, Е.И. Черняк, В.В. Болдырев
Механохимический синтез производных природного алкалоида лаппаконитина
Хим. Инт. Уст. Разв., 2007, Т. 15, № 2 (приложение), 149-155. - C.А. Мызь, Н.А. Панкрушина, Т.П. Шахтшнейдер, А.С. Медведева, Л.П. Сафронова, В.В. Болдырев
Механохимическое ацилирование пироксикама
Хим. Инт. Уст. Разв., 2007, Т. 15, № 2 (приложение), 135-141. - Synthesis and properties of copper(II) complexes with a chiral dioxatetraazamacrocyclic ligand based on a natural monoterpene, (+)-3-carene/ S. V. Larionov, L. I. Myachina, L. A. Sheludyakova, E. G. Boguslavskii, S. N. Bizyaev, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, V. 52, N 1, pp 42-45 doi:10.1134/S0036023607010081, IF=0.18
2006- E. P. Romanenko and A. V. Tkachev
Identification by GC-MS of cymene isomers and 3,7,7-trimethylcyclohepta-1,3,5-triene in essential oils
Chem. Nat. Compd. (Хим. Природ. Соедин.), 2006, V. 42, N 6, 699-701. doi:10.1007/s10600-006-0256-6, IF=0.31 - A. V. Tkachev, A. M. Gur'ev and M. S. Yusubov
Acorafuran, a new sesquiterpenoid from Acorus calamus essential oil
Chem. Nat. Compd. (Хим. Природ. Соедин.), 2006, V. 42, N 6, 696-698. doi:10.1007/s10600-006-0255-7, IF=0.31 - Complexes [Cu(H2L)](NO3)2 and [Cu(H2L)Cl]2[CuCl2]Cl·0.5H2 (H2L is chiral bis(menthane) propylenediaminodioxime): Synthesis and structure/ Z. A. Savel'eva, R. F. Klevtsova, L. A. Glinskaya, V. N. Ikorskii, S. N. Bizyaev, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2006, V. 32, N 11, pp 784-791 doi:10.1134/S1070328406110030, IF=0.54
- Ni(II) complexes with optically active bis(menthane), pinano-para-menthane ethylenediaminodioximes and pinano-para-menthane, bis(pinane) propylenediaminodioximes: Synthesis, structures, and properties/ Z. A. Savel’eva, S. N. Bizyaev, L. A. Glinskaya, R. F. Klevtsova, A. V. Tkachev, S. V. Larionov// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2006, V. 32, N 10, pp 723-732 doi:10.1134/S1070328406100058, IF=0.54
- Verbanone in the synthesis of amidoketones from o-menthane series/ S. S. Koval'skaya, N. G. Kozlov, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006, V. 42, N 8, pp 1141-1145 doi:10.1134/S1070428006080069, IF=0.419
- Verbanone in the synthesis of amidoketones from o-menthane series/ S. S. Koval'skaya, N. G. Kozlov, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006, 42, N 8, pp 1141-1145 doi:10.1134/S1070428006080069, IF=0.419
- T.N. Drebushchak, N.A. Pankrushina, T.P. Shakhtshneider, S.A. Apenina
4-Benzoyloxy-2-methyl-N-(2-pyridyl)-2H-1,2-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide 1,1-dioxide
Acta Crystallogr. C, 2006, V. 62, N 7, o429-o431. doi:10.1107/S0108270106020567, IF=0.779 - Catalytic oxidation of α-pinene with tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of Fe-pillared montmorillonite/ E. P. Romanenko, E. A. Taraban, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2006, V 55, N 6, pp 993-998 doi:10.1007/s11172-006-0368-y, IF=0.589
- A.E. Goncharov, A.A. Politov, N.A. Pankrushina, O.I. Lomovskii
Isolation of lappaconitine from Aconitum septentrionale roots by adsorption
Chem. Nat. Compd. (Хим. Природ. Соедин.), 2006, V. 42, N 3, 336-339. doi:10.1007/s10600-006-0114-6, IF=0.31 - D.V. Domrachev, A.V. Tkachev
Absolute configuration of Birkenal, a nor-Sesquiterpene Aldehyde from Essential Oil of Betula pubescens Buds
Chem. Nat. Compd. (Хим. Природ. Соедин.), 2006, V. 42, N 3, 304-306. doi:10.1007/s10600-006-0105-7, IF=0.31 - D.T. Sadyrbekov, E.M. Suleimenov, E.V. Tikhonova, G.A. Atazhanova , A.V. Tkachev, S.M. Adekenov
Component composition of essential oils from four species of the genus Achillea growing in Kazakhstan
Chem. Nat. Compd. (Хим. Природ. Соедин.), 2006, V. 42, N 3, 294-297. doi:10.1007/s10600-006-0102-x, IF=0.31 - Cu(II) complexes with chiral ethylenediaminodioxime and propylenediaminodioxime, the derivatives of monoterpenoid α-pinene: Synthesis and structures/ S. V. Larionov, Z. A. Savel'eva, L. A. Glinskaya, R. F. Klevtsova, L. A. Sheludyakova, S. N. Bizyaev, A. V. Tkachev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2006, V. 32, N 5, pp 350-358 doi:10.1134/S1070328406050071, IF=0.54
- E.V. Deeva, T.V. Glukhareva, A.V. Tkachev, Yu.Yu. Morzherin
Stereoselective synthesis of spirofused 3-substituted 2,3,4,4a,5,6-hexahydro-6H-benzo[c]quinolizine using the tert-amino effect
Mendeleev Commun., 2006, V. 16, N 2, 82-83. doi:10.1070/MC2006v016n02ABEH002247, IF=0.709 - Co(III) complexes with optically active bis(menthane), pinano-para-menthane, carano-para-menthane, and bis(carane) propylenediaminodioximes/ S. V. Larionov, A. V. Tkachev, Z. A. Savel’eva, L. I. Myachina, L. A. Glinskaya, R. F. Klevtsova, S. N. Bizyaev// Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, l 2006, V. 32, N 4, pp 250-260 doi:10.1134/S107032840604004X, IF=0.54
- A.V. Tkachev, E.A. Korolyuk, W. Letchamo
Chemical Screening of Volatile Oil-bearing Flora of Siberia IX. Variations in Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Heteropappus altaicus Willd. (Novopokr.) Growing Wild at Different Altitudes of Altai Region, Russia.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 2006, V. 18, N 2, 149-151. doi:10.1080/10412905.2006.9699048, IF=0.37 - A chiral pentadentate macrocyclic ligand (L) based on the natural monoterpene (-)-α-pinene and the seven-coordinate cobalt compound [CoL(NO3)]NO3/ S. V. Larionov, A. V. Tkachev, L. I. Myachina, S. N. Bizyaev, L. A. Glinskaya, R. F. Klevtsova// Doklady Chemistry, 2006, V. 411, N 1, pp 206-211 doi:10.1134/S0012500806110048, IF=0.239
- Synthesis of 4-[(p-alkylanilino-palkylphenyl)methyl]4-butyl-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidine-3,5-diones/ N. G. Kozlov, S. V. Rubis, A. V. Tkachev, L. I. Basalaeva// Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2006, V. 76, N 2, pp 307-310 doi:10.1134/S1070363206020241
- A.V. Tkachev, E.A. Korolyuk, W. Konig, Y.V. Kuleshova, W. Letchamo
Chemical Screening of Volatile Oil-Bearing Flora of Siberia VIII: Variations in Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Wild Growing Seseli buchtormense (Fisch. ex Sprengel) W. Koch from Different Altitudes of Altai Region.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 2006, V. 18, N 1, 100-103. doi:10.1080/10412905.2006.9699399, IF=0.37 - A.V. Tkachev, E.A. Korolyuk, W. Letchamo
Volatile Oil-Bearing Flora of Siberia VIII: Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Wild Solidago virgaurea L. from the Russian Altai.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 2006, V. 18, N 1, 46-50. doi:10.1080/10412905.2006.9699382, IF=0.37
- Ia.S. Fomenko, M. Afewerki, M.I. Gongola, E.S. Vasilyev, L.S. Shu'pina, N.S. Ikonnikov, G.B. Shul'pin, D.G. Samsonenko, V.V. Yanshole, V.A. Nadolinny, A.N. Lavrov, A.V. Tkachev, A.L. Gushchin