Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry

N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry
of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


Department of Medicinal Chemistry

shults1 Head -
Doctor of Chemical Sciences,
Professor Shults Elvira Eduardovna

Phone: 8(383)330-85-33,
internal phone: 2-35
email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry (LMCh)(up to 2004 г - Laboratory Wood Chemistry and Biologically Active Compounds - LFC&BAC)


The laboratory was founded in 2004 in the staff of Department of Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Compounds.


Resercher ares

 The major scientific trends

  • Investigation of chemical composition of several plants of Apiaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae family as the goal for investigation of sources of sesquiterpene lactones, coumarins and saponines.
  • Chemistry of plant alkaloids, development of methods of synthesis and functionalization of isoquinoline, pyridine, diterpenoid and norditerpenoid alkaloids, investigation of their transition metal-catalyzed transformations.
  • Palladium catalyzed elaboration of coumarins and their derivatives, synthesis of heterocyclic analogs of combretastatins.
  • Development of new synthetic transformations of sesquiterpene lactones and high terpenoids. Synthesis of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds• in the labdane, lupane and abietane series. Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of methylene lactones with aryl halides, 5-bromouracil and iodouridine derivatives.
  • Development and production of new agents for treatment of particularly dangerous diseases.

Scientific achievements

  • Original methods for isolation of practically important compounds - lappaconitine, elatine, isoalantolactone, peucedanin, peoniflorine, lambertianic acid, pinusolide, flomisoic acid and quinopimaric acid from renewable resources have been development.
  • Directed synthetic transformations of plant terpenoids (furan-type labdanoids, levopimaric acid, betulin and betulonic acids), coumarins and alkaloids are carried out.
  • Some regularities in the Diels-Alder reaction of diterpenoids – levopimaric and lamdertianic acids and their esters have been carried out. Original approaches to the heterocyclic compounds containing perhydronaphtho[1,2-h]quinazoline and hexahydro-3,6-mathanoindole structural fragments by selective transformations of abietan-type diterpenoids are proposed. Heterocyclic labdanoids of new structural types, with indole, isoindolone, carboline, 3-terpenyl-substituted pyrrol-2(5H)-one, N-substituted maleimides moities, as well as compounds of 8,12-epoxylabdanoid srtuctures have been developed by explored the furan ring selective oxidative methods, selective cycloaddition reactions and intramolecular Diels-Alder approach. The oxidative Heck reaction and Gold-catalyzed reactions, allowing to carry out the specific transformations furanoditerpenoids have been studying. The first synthesis of acetylenic derivatives of labdane type diterpenoids lending to the development of a new series of biohybrids have been achieved.
  • Original synthetic approached to aryl substituted polyhydroxynaphtho- and anthraquinones, included compounds with diterpenoid structures were developed. These compounds were characterized as a novel group of selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase; the moderate toxicity encouraged the further design of therapeutically relevant compounds. A new group of selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus integrase (inhibited both 3?-processing and strand transfer reactions catalyzed by IN) – derivatives of 3-(furan-2-yl)spiro[5,5]undecane-1,5,9-trione type.
  • 1-Substituted derivatives of dihydrothebainehydroquinone are obtained and the possibility of their use in the synthesis of hybrid structures with different cores present in natural products was established. Several approaches to the selective introduction of indolizine fragment into the anthanylate moiety of lappaconitine and N-desacetyllappaconitine have been developed A method of the chemical modification of the structure of the available sesquiterpene ?-methylidene-?-lactone isoalantolactone by means of palladium-catalyzed reaction with versatile aryl halides is developed.
  • Derivatives of eudesmane type ?-methylidene-?-lactones, containing aromatic or heterocyclic substituents in the position C(13) were synthesized.
  • New methods for preparation of 3-alkenylfurocoumarins, 3-aryl(hetaryl)furocoumarins by the cross-coupling reaction of oreoselones triflate with various vinyl substituted compounds or boronic acids has been proposed. A series of heterocyclic analogues of combretastatine A-4 containing a furocoumarin-modified A- or B-ring are obtained.

Collaboration with:

  • Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Science;
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
  • Buryat State University;
  • Institute of Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies Siberian Branch of RAS;
  • JSC International research and Production holding “Phytochemistry” (Karaganda, Kazakhstan);
  • Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Mongolian Academy of Sciences;
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Cologne (Kцln, Germany);
  • Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, Center for Cancer Research, NCI, USA.

The major scientific trends of current researches

  • 5.6. Химические проблемы создания фармакологически активных веществ нового поколения.
  • V.48. Фундаментальные физико-химические исследования механизмов физиологических процессов и создание на их основе фармакологических веществ и лекарственных форм для лечения и профилактики социально значимых заболеваний.

Grants of 2012 year

  • Grant of RFBR No. 11-03-00242-а
    Direct transition metal-catalyzed transformations of isoquinoline alkaloids, labdanoids, sesquiterpenoids and furocoumarins. New lead compounds from plant metabolites.
  • Grant of RFBR No. 12-03-00535
    Creation of perspective biologically active molecules for medicinal applications by synthetic modification of accessible plant metabolites.
  • Grant of RFBR No. 12-03-92200
    Renewable resources for development and production of new agents for treatment of particularly dangerous diseases. Directed Synthetic Transformations of plant alkaloids, sesquiterpenoids and phenolic compounds from Siberian and Mongolian Flora.
  • Grant of RFBR No. 12-03-90838-young_RF_sр
    Investigation and isolation of plant metabolites from plants of Apiaceae family as a target for development of biologically active compounds with tasked properties. Scientific project of Taraskin Vasilii Vladimirovich from Buryat State University in Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry.
  • Grant of RFBR No.12-03-31096 
    Direct transformations of coumarins by Pd- and Cu-catalyzed reactions.
  • Interdisciplinary joint project SB RAS and Far-East Branch of RAS No 51.
    Investigation of metabolites from sea and plant origin as a base for design of important medicinal preparations.
  • Joint project SB RAS and JSC International research and Production holding “Phytochemistry” No. 108.
    Investigation of chemical modifications of available plant metabolites of Kazakhstan and Siberian flora. Searching of new agents for drugs development
  • Joint project SB RAS and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus No 23.
    Synthetic transformations of pentacyclic triterpenoids as a convenient way for discovering of perspective pharmacologically useful agents.
  • Project of RAS No FSM-44.
    “Direct synthetic transformations of labdane-type diterpenoids for development of new analgesics with selectivity of actions”.
  • Project of RAS No 5.9.2.
    “Direct synthetic transformations of low-molecular plant metabolites and their derivatives. New lead-compounds and sources for treatment of particularly dangerous diseases”.

Research papers(Last& Main)

  1. Ю.В. Харитонов, Э.Э. Шульц, М.М. Шакиров, И.Ю. Багрянская, Г.А. Толстиков. Синтетические трансформации высших терпеноидов. XXIX. Катализируемая золотом циклоизомеризация пропаргиламинометил- и пропаргилоксиметилзамещенных фуранолабданоидов. Журнал органической химии. 2012. Т. 48. Вып. 8. C. 1085-1092.
  2. М.Е. Миронов, Э.Э. Шульц, М.М. Шакиров, Ю.В. Харитонов, Г.А. Толстиков. Синтетические трансформации высших терпеноидов. XXVIII. Диеновый синтез с участием 16-(триметилсилоксибутадиенил)лабданоидов. Журнал органической химии. 2012. Т. 48. Вып. 6. С. 842–852.
  3. В.Е. Романов, Э.Э. Шульц, М.М. Шакиров, Г.А. Толстиков. Исследование алкалоидов флоры Сибири и Алтая. XVIII. 2-Ацетамидо-5-[2-(пиридил-3-ил)винил]бензоаты в синтезе индолизинов антранилатного типа. Журнал органической химии. – 2011. Т. 47. Вып. 4. C. 578-585 (p. 581-588).
  4. А.В. Липеева, Э.Э. Шульц, М.М. Шакиров, Г.А. Толстиков. Исследование растительных кумаринов. 7. Аминирование трифлата ореозелона. Журнал органической химии. 2011. Т. 47. Вып. 9. C.1367-1379.
  5. А.В. Беловодский, Э.Э. Шульц, М.М. Шакиров, И.Ю. Багрянская, Ю.В. Гатилов, Г.А. Толстиков. Синтетические трансформации метиленлактонов эудесманового типа. Поведение изоалантолактона в условиях реакции Хека. Журнал органической химии. 2010. Т. 46. Вып. 11. C. 1710-1724.
  6. Э.Э. Шульц, Д.С. Олейников, И.В. Нечепуренко, M.М. Шакиров, Г.А. Толстиков. Синтетические трансформации высших терпеноидов. XVIII. Cинтез оптически активных производных 9,10-антрахинона. ЖОрХ. 2009. Т. 45. Вып. 1. C. 102-114.
  7. В.Т. Бауман, Э.Э. Шульц, M.М. Шакиров, Г.А. Толстиков. Синтетические трансформации изохинолиновых алкалоидов. Синтез новых производных дигидротебаингидрохинона. Изв. АН. Сер. хим., 2007, 1206.
  8. E.E. Shults, E.A. Semenova, A.A. Johnson, S.P. Bondarenko, I.Y. Bagryanskaya, Y.V. Gatilov , G.A. Tolstikov, Y. Pommier. Synthesis and HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitory Activity of Spiroundecane(ene) Derivatives. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17, 1362.
  9. С.А. Осадчий, Э.Э. Шульц, Е.В. Полухина, М.M. Шакиров, Г.А. Толстиков. Исследование алкалоидов флоры Сибири и Алтая. Сообщение 12. Синтез новых производных лаппаконитина, содержащих олефиновые заместители. Известия АН. Серия химическая. 2006. № 6. 1038-1044.
  10. E.E. Shults, J. Velder, H.-G. Schmalz, S.V. Chernov, T.V. Rubalova, Y.V. Gatilov, G. Henze, G.A. Tolstikov and A. Prokop. Gram-scale synthesis of pinusolide and evaluation of its antileukemic potential. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2006, 16, 4228.



Employee Position Room Phone Phone in. email Publications
by years
1 Shults Elvira Eduardovna Lab's Head (Doct. Chem) 408 НТК, 232 330-85-33 2-09, 2-35 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Kharitonov Yurii Viktorovich Leading Researcher (Doct. Chem) 157 ИТК 330-85-33 2-59 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3 Popov Sergey Aleksandrovich Senior Researcher (Cand. Tech.) 415 НТЦ, 311 330-56-50 2-28, 4-07 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 Kukina Tatyana Petrovna Senior Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 158 ИТК 330-75-44 2-96 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5 Mironov Maxim Evgenievich Senior Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 232 330-85-33 2-35 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6 Patrushev Sergey Sergeevich Senior Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 162 ИТК 330-85-33 4-31 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
7 Savel'ev Viktor Aleksandrovich Senior Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 336 330-97-47 2-81 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
8 Semenova Mariya Dmitrievna Researcher 311 330-56-50 4-07 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
9 Finke Anastasiya Olegovna Researcher 232 330-85-33 2-35 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
10 Volkova Anna Nikolaevna Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 336 330-97-47 2-81 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
11 Gromova Mariya Aleksandrovna Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 157 ИТК 330-85-33 2-59 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
12 Сheremnykh Kirill Pavlovich Researcher (Cand. Chem.) 336 330-97-47 2-81 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
13 Reshetnikov Danila Vladimirovich Junior Researcher 232 330-85-33 2-35
14 Shpatov Alexander Vladimirovich Leading Engineer 311 330-56-50 4-07 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
15 Kil'met'ev Alexander Sergeevich engineer 101 330-56-50 3-86 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
16 Petrova Tatyana Nikolaevna engineer 232 330-85-33 2-35
17 Shinkarenko Elizaveta Mikhailovna laboratory assistant 232 330-85-33 2-35 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
18 Kim Ekaterina Anatolievna laboratory assistant
19 Potapov Danil Andreevich laboratory assistant
20 Stenina Darya Pavlovna laboratory assistant


Publications over the past years


Laboratory staff publications (DB NIOCh)

Reviews, Articles

  1. M.E. Mironov, T.V. Rybalova, M.A. Pokrovski, F. Emaminia, E.R. Gandalipov, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of fully functionalized spirostanic 1,2,3-triazoles by the three component reaction of diosgenin azides with acetophenones and aryl aldehydes and their biological evaluation as antiproliferative agents
    Steroids, V. 190, February 2023, 109133 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2022.109133, IF=2.759

  1. R.B. Seidakhmetova, A. Amanzhan, E.E. Shults, K.V. Goldaeva, S.M. Adekenov, D. Berillo
    Analgesic and Antidepressant Activity of 8-Substituted Harmine Derivatives
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (2022), Published: 30 July 2022 doi:10.1007/s10593-022-03092-9, IF=1.49
  2. D.V. Reshetnikov, I.D. Ivanov, D.S. Baev, T.V. Rybalova, E.S. Mozhaitsev, S.S. Patrushev, V.A. Vavilin, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults
    Design, Synthesis and Assay of Novel Methylxanthine–Alkynylmethylamine Derivatives as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
    Molecules 2022, 27(24), 8787 doi:10.3390/molecules27248787, IF=4.927
  3. Effect of an Extractant on the Composition of the Lipophilic Constituents of the Extracts of Rhodiola rosea L. and on the Extracts' Activity/ T. P. Kukina, D. N. Shcherbakov, A.V. Zybkina, I. A. Elshin, V. O. Korsakov, O. I. Salnikova, P. V. Kolosov, Ts. Sandag, D. A. Karakai, E. D. Mordvinova// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, V. 48, Pp 1461-1469 doi:10.1134/S1068162022070147, IF=1.253
  4. Т.П. Кукина, И.А. Елшин, О.И. Сальникова, П.В. Колосов, Ц. Сандаг, Д.А. Каракай, М.А. Бондарева, А.А. Нефедов, В.Ю. Чиркова, Е.А. Шарлаева, С.В. Беленькая, Д.Н. Щербаков
    Состав липофильных компонентов эфирного экстракта рододендрона Адамса и активность против основной протеазы SARS COV 2
    Химия растительного сырья, 2022, № 4, c. 153-162. doi:10.14258/jcprm.20220411584
  5. S.V. Cheresiz, A.A. Kononona, M. Skarnovich, A.N. Volkova, Yu.A. Poletaeva, F. Emaminia, O.V. Pyankov, E.E. Schultz, A.G. Pokrovsky
    An Amide Derivative of Betulonic Acid as a New Inhibitor of Sars-CoV-2 Spike Protein-Mediated Cell Entry and Sars-CoV-2 Infection
    Insight in Chem & Biochem. 2(2): 2022. ICBC. MS.ID.000535. doi:10.33552/ICBC.2022.02.000535
  6. A.A. Ivanov, E.A. Ukladov, S.A. Kremis, S.Z. Sharapov, S.I. Baiborodin, A.V. Lipeeva, E.E. Shults, T.S. Golubeva
    Investigation of cytotoxic and antioxidative activity of 1,2,3-triazolyl-modified furocoumarins and 2,3-dihydrofurocoumarins
    Protoplasma , 2022, 259 (5), Pp. 1321-1330 doi:10.1007/s00709-022-01739-0, IF=3.186
  7. D. V. Reshetnikov, L. G. Burova, T. V. Rybalova, E. A. Bondareva, S. S. Patrushev, A. N. Evstropov, E. E. Shults
    Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Caffeine Derivatives Containing Amino-Acid Fragments
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2022, V. 58, N 5, Pp 908-915 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03826-3, IF=0.83
  8. A. O. Finke, A. V. Pavlova, E. A. Morozova, T. G. Tolstikova, E. E. Shults
    Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazolyl-Substituted Derivatives of the Alkaloids Sinomenine and Tetrahydrothebaine on Ring A and Their Analgesic Activity
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2022, V. 58, N 5. Pp 895-902 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03824-5, IF=0.83
  9. M.D. Semenova, S.A. Popov, I.V. Sorokina, Yu.V. Meshkova, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults
    Conjugates of Lupane Triterpenoids with Arylpyrimidines: Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activity
    Steroids, 2022, V. 184, 109042 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2022.109042, IF=2.76
  10. А.Н. Евстропов, Л.Г. Бурова, Е.А. Бондарева, Л.Н. Захарова, А.В. Липеева, Э.Э. Шульц
    Антибактериальная активность производных пеуцеданина в отношении Staphylococcus aureus и Bacillus cereus
  11. Yu.V. Kharitonov, E.E. Shults
    An Approach toward 17-Arylsubstituted Marginatafuran-Type Isospongian Diterpenoids via a Palladium-Catalyzed Heck–Suzuki Cascade Reaction of 16-Bromolambertianic Acid
    Molecules 2022, 27(9), 2643 doi:10.3390/molecules27092643, IF=4.927
  12. A.V. Shpatov, S.S. Zakharova, S.A. Popov
    Synthesis of New Hybrids of Abietic Acid and 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2022, V. 58, N 2, Pp 290-296 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03662-5, IF=0.83
  13. D.N. Shcherbakov, G.Y. Galitsyn, T.P. Kukina, N.V. Panteleeva, O.I. Salnikova, P.V. Kolosov
    Prospects for comprehensive use of sea buckthorn of Novosibirsk selection
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2390(1), 030085 doi:10.1063/5.0070159
  14. D.N. Shcherbakov, T.P. Kukina, I.A. Elshin, O.I. Salnikova, P.V. Kolosov
    Deodorized Distillate of Sunflower Oil as a Source of Kaurane Compounds
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2390(1), 030084, 2022. 030084-1–030084-5; doi:10.1063/5.0070161
  15. D.N. Shcherbakov, T.P. Kukina, I.A. Elshin, N.V. Panteleeva, T.V. Teplyakova, O.I. Salnikova
    GC-MS analysis of lipophilic Chaga mushroom constituents
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2390(1), 030083 doi:10.1063/5.0070158
  16. V.A. Stepanova, S.S. Patrushev, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults
    Cross-copling reaction to access a library of eudesmane-type methylene lactones with quinoline or isoquinoline substituent
    Journal of Molecular Structure, V.1247, 5 January 2022, 131373 doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.131373, IF=3.841
  17. M.E. Mironov, S.A. Borisov, T.V. Rybalova, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of Anti-Inflammatory Spirostene-Pyrazole Conjugates by a Consecutive Multicomponent Reaction of Diosgenin with Oxalyl Chloride, Arylalkynes and Hydrazines or Hydrazones
    Molecules 2022, 27(1), 162 doi:10.3390/molecules27010162, IF=4.927
  18. M.D. Semenova, S.A. Popov, E.E. Shul'ts, M. Turks
    Synthesis of New Ursane-Type Hybrids with Morpholinomethyl-, Dialkylamino-, and Hydroxyl-Substituted Azoles
    Chemistry of Natural Compoundsб 2022,58(1),Pp. 65-70 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03597-x, IF=0.83
  19. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, S.A. Borisov, T.V. Rybalova, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 41. Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of 4-(Carboxyalkyl)-18-nor-isopimara-7,15-Dienes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2022, 58(1), Pp. 55-64 doi:10.1007/s10600-022-03596-y, IF=0.83

  1. Т.П. Кукина, Д.Н. Щербаков, А.В. Зыбкина, И.А. Елшин, В.О. Корсаков, О.И. Сальникова, П.В. Колосов, Ц. Сандаг, Д.А. Каракай, Е.Д. Мордвинова
    Влияние экстрагента на состав липофильных компонентов экстрактов корневища Rhodiola rosea L. и активность экстрактов.
    Химия растительного сырья. 2021. N 4. С. 307-317 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2021049872
  2. Synthesis of 4,5-Dialkyl-2-perfluoroaryl-1H-imidazol-1-ols and 4,5-Dimethyl-2-perfluoroaryl-1H-imidazoles/ I. A. Os’kina, A. S. Vinogradov, B. A. Selivanov, V. A. Savelyev, V. E. Platonov & A. Ya. Tikhonov// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistryб 2021, V. 57, Pp 1968-1973 doi:10.1134/S1070428021120101, IF=0.722
  3. S.S. Patrushev, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic transformations of sesquiterpene lactones. Controllable synthesis of 11,13-dihydroisoalantolactone azides and 13-(1,2,3-triazolyl)eudesmanolides
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2021, V.57, N 11, Pp 1116-1129, IF=1.277
  4. S.A. Popov, C. Wang, Z. Qi, E.E. Shul'ts, M. Turks
    Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of New N-Containing Hybrid Derivatives of Gallic and Ursolic Acids
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2021, V. 57, N. 6, Pp. 1042-1046 doi:10.1007/s10600-021-03546-0, IF=0.809
  5. Б.М. Урбагарова, В.В. Тараскин, Т.В. Елисафенко, Э.Э. Шульц, Е.А. Королюк, Л.Д. Раднаева
    Содержание основных действующих веществ в корнях природного и интродуцированного растения SAPOSHNIKOVIA DIVARICATA (TURCZ.) SCHISCHK
    Химия растительного сырья. 2021. № 3. С. 143-151 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2021039152
  6. Zh.S. Nurmaganbetov, V.A. Savelyev, Yu.V. Gatilov, O.A. Nurkenov, R.B. Seidakhmetova, Z.T. Shulgau, G.K. Mukusheva, S.D. Fazylov, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis and analgesic activity of 1-[(1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)methyl]quinolizines based on the alkaloid lupinine
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2021, V. 57, Pp 911-919 doi:10.1007/s10593-021-03000-7, IF=1.276
  7. A.O. Finke, V.G. Kartsev, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of Alkaloid Sinomenine Derivatives Containing a Pyrimidine Substituent in Ring A
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2021, V. 57, N.9 , Pp 934-943 doi:10.1007/s10593-021-03003-4, IF=1.276
  8. K.P. Cheremnykh, V.A. Savelyev, E.E. Shults
    An Efficient Access to 3,5-Disubstituted Isoxazoles with Anthranilate Ester Moiety: Alkaloid Lappaconitine – Aryl Conjugates with an Isoxazole Linker
    Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, V. 10, N 10, Pp. 2638-2643 doi:10.1002/ajoc.202100474, IF=3.319
  9. Yu.V. Kharitonov, E.E. Shul'ts, T.V. Rybalova, A.V. Pavlova, T.G. Tolstikova
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 40. Synthesis and Assessment of Analgesic Activity of N-Containing Derivatives of Lambertianic Acid Yu. V. Kharitonov, E. E. Shul’ts, T. V. Rybalova, A. V. Pavlova & T. G. Tolstikova
    Chemistry of Natural Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2021, V. 57, N 5, Pp 879-886 doi:10.1007/s10600-021-03502-y, IF=0.809
  10. S.A. Popov, Ch. Wang, Zh. Qi, E.E. Shults, M. Turksc
    Synthesis of water-soluble ester-linked ursolic acid-gallic acid hybrids with various hydrolytic stabilities
    Synthetic Communications, 2021, V.51, N 16, Pp 2466-2477 doi:10.1080/00397911.2021.1939057, IF=2.6
  11. A.O. Finke, M.Y. Ravaeva, V.I. Krasnov, I.V. Cheretaev, E.N. Chuyan, D.S. Baev, E.E. Shults
    Cross-Coupling-Cyclocondensation Reaction Sequence to Access a Library of Ring-C Bridged Pyrimidino-tetrahydrothebaines and Pyrimidinotetrahydrooripavines
    ChemistrySelect, 2021, V. 6,N 29, Pp 7391-7397 doi:10.1002/slct.202101790, IF=2.108
  12. N.S. Sirazhetdinova, V.A. Savelyev, D.S. Baev, T.S. Golubeva, L.S. Klimenko, T.G. Tolstikova, Ja. Ganbaatar, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis, characterization and anticancer evaluation of nitrogen-substituted 1-(3-aminoprop-1-ynyl)-4-hydroxyanthraquinone derivatives
    Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2021, V. 30, N. 8, Pp 1541-1556 doi:10.1007/s00044-021-02754-1, IF=1.965
  13. M.D. Semenova, S.A. Popov, T.S. Golubeva, D.S. Baev, E.E. Shults, M. Turks
    Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Sulfanyl, Sulfinyl and Sulfonyl Group Containing Ursane Conjugates with 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles and 1,2,4-Triazoles
    ChemistrySelectб 2021, V. 6, N 7, Pp 6472-6477, This article also appears in:Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery doi:10.1002/slct.202101594, IF=2.109
  14. S.M. Adekenov, A.S. Kishkentayeva, A.B. Khasenova, E.E. Shul'ts, Yu.V. Gatilov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya
    New Arylhalo-Derivatives of Grosshe
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2021, V. 57, N 7, Pp 685-690 doi:10.1007/s10600-021-03450-7, IF=0.809
  15. E. Avdeeva, E. Porokhova, I. Khlusov, T. Rybalova, E. Shults, L. Litvinova, V. Shupletsova, O. Khaziakhmatova, I. Sukhodol, M. Belousov
    Calcium Chelidonate: Semi-Synthesis, Crystallography, and Osteoinductive Activity In Vitro and In Vivo
    Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(6), 579 doi:10.3390/ph14060579, IF=5.863
  16. И.Д. Иванов, К.И. Мосалев, А.В. Липеева, Э.Э. Шульц, В.А. Вавилин
    Исследование механизмов противовоспалительной и иммуномодулирующей активности соединений бетулиновой кислоты с фурокумаринами
    Экспериментальная и клиническая фармакология. 2021. Т. 84. № 6. С. 28-34. doi:10.30906/0869-2092-2021-84-6-28-34
  17. Zh. Qi, Ya. Guliang, D. Wang, T. Deng, H. Zhou, S.A. Popov, E.E. Shults, Ch. Wang
    Design and Linkage Optimization of Ursane-Thalidomide-Based PROTACs and Identification of Their Targeted-Degradation Properties to MDM2 Protein
    Bioorganic Chemistry, Volume 111, June 2021, 104901 doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104901, IF=5.275
  18. Je. Lugiņina, M. Linden, M. Bazulis, V. Kumpiņs, A. Mishnev, S.A. Popov, T.S. Golubeva, S.R. Waldvogel, E.E. Shults, M. Turks
    Electrosynthesis of stable betulin‐derived nitrile oxides and their application in synthesis of cytostatic lupane‐type triterpenoid‐isoxazole conjugates
    European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, V. 2021, N 17, Pp 2557-2577 doi:10.1002/ejoc.202100293, IF=3.021
  19. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, S.A. Borisov, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shul’ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 39.* Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of Isopimaric Acid Derivatives
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2021), 57, N 5, Pp 474-481 doi:10.1007/s10600-021-03391-1, IF=0.809
  20. T. P. Kukina, D. N. Shcherbakov, V. O. Korsakov, I. A. Elshin, Ts. Sandag
    GC-MS analysis of lipophilic components of rhizomes of plant Rhodiola rosea L.
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2419, 020011 (2021).(INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY (FSAB 2021), 20-20 April 2021, Ekaterinburg, Russia) doi:10.1063/5.0069867
  21. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.C. Golubeva, E.E. Shults
    Macrocyclic peptide-diterpenoid conjugates by a sequential arylation/peptidecoupling/clickmacrocyclization procedure.
    Макрогетероциклы / Macroheterocycles 2021 14(3) 231-239. doi:10.6060/mhc210945s, IF=1.2
  22. STRUCTURE AND STEREOCHEMISTRY OF A HYDRAZONE DERIVATIVE OF HARMINE/ A. Amanzhan, P. Zh. Zhanymkhanova, I. Yu. Bagryanskaya, E. E. Shults, A. Zh. Turmukhambetov, S. M. Adekenov// Journal of Structural Chemistry, V. 62, PP 491-495 doi:10.1134/S0022476621030161, IF=1.071
  23. Д.О. Васильева, С.С. Патрушев, Э.Э. Шульц, А.Н. Евстропов, Л.Г. Бурова, Е.А. Бондарева
    Изучение антибактериальной активности бис-(11,13-дигидро-изоалантолактонов) с азотсодержащими линкерами in vitro
    Проблемы медицинской микологии. 2021. Т. 23. № 2. С. 77.
  24. Н.А. Панкрушина, Т.П. Кукина
    Новые компоненты экстракта ALCEA NUDIFLORA после микроволновой экстракции
    Химия растительного сырья. 2021. № 1. С. 79-84. doi:10.14258/jcprm.2021018361
  25. S.S. Patrushev, L.G. Burova, A.A. Shtro, T.V. Rybalova, D.S. Baev, I.V. Shirokikh, A.N. Evstropov, E.E. Shults
    Modifications of Isoalantolactone Leading to Effective Antibacterial and Antiviral Compounds
    Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2021, V. 18 , N 7 , Pp 686 - 700 doi:10.2174/1570180817999201211193151, IF=1.15
  26. Click synthesis of triazole-linked polyazamacrocycles through selective isopimaric acid transformations/ M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults// Macroheterocycles. 2021. Т. 14. № 1. С. 105-111. doi:10.6060/mhc200817s, IF=1.2

  1. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic studies on tricyclic diterpenoids: convenient synthesis of 16-arylisopimaranes
    Monatshefte fur Chemie - Chemical Monthly, , 2020, V. 151, N 12, Pp. 1817 - 1827 doi:10.1007/s00706-020-02713-3, IF=1.348
  2. Bioactive Components in Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Extract of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Green Waste/ T. P. Kukina, D. N. Shcherbakov, K. V. Gensh, N. V. Panteleyeva, Ye. A. Tulysheva, O. I. Sal’nikova, A. Ye. Grazhdannikov, P. V. Kolosov, G. Yu. Galitsyn// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, V. 46, N 7, Pp 1372-1377 doi:10.1134/S1068162020070067, IF=0.681
  3. K.P. Cheremnykh, V.A. Savelyev, S.A. Borisov, I.D. Ivanov, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, V.A. Vavilin, E.E. Shults
    Hybrides of Alkaloid Lappaconitine with Pyrimidine Motif on the Anthranilic Acid Moiety: Design, Synthesis, and Investigation of Antinociceptive Potency
    Molecules 2020, 25(23), 5578 doi:10.3390/molecules25235578, IF=3.266
  4. B.M. Urbagarova, E.E. Shults, V.V. Taraskin, L.D. Radnaeva, T.N. Petrova, T.V. Rybalova, T.S. Frolova, A.G. Pokrovskii, Ja. Ganbaatar
    Chromones and coumarins from Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. Growing in Buryatia and Mongolia and their cytotoxicity
    Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2020, V. 261, 1125170 doi:10.1016/j.jep.2019.112517, IF=3.69
  5. S.A. Popov, M.D. Semenova, D.S. Baev, T.S. Frolova, M.A. Shestopalov, Ch. Wang, Zh. Qi, E.E. Shults, M. Turks
    Synthesis and cytotoxicity of hybrids of 1,3,4- or 1,2,5-oxadiazoles tethered from ursane and lupane core with 1,2,3-triazole
    Steroids, 2020, V. 162, , 108698 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2020.108698, IF=1.948
  6. S.A. Popov, M. D. Semenova, D. S. Baev, T. S. Frolova, E. E.Shults,Ch.Wang, M.Turks
    Synthesis of cytotoxic urs-12-ene- and 28-nor-urs-12-ene- type conjugates with amino- and mercapto-1,3,4-oxadiazoles and mercapto-1,2,4-triazoles
    Steroids, 2020, V. 153, 108524 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2019.108524, IF=1.948
  7. D.V. Reshetnikov, S.S. Patrushev, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic Transformations of Sesquiterpene Lactones. 11.* Conjugates Based on Caffeine and Eudesmanolides with N-Containing Linkers
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2020, V. 56, N 5, Pp 855-860 doi:10.1007/s10600-020-03169-x, IF=0.652
  8. А.Н. Евстропов, Л.Г. Бурова, И.В. Широких, Н.С. Сиражетдинова, В.А. Савельев, Э.Э. Шульц
    Антибактериальная активность азотсодержащих производных антрахинона в отношении STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS
    Проблемы медицинской микологии. 2020. Т. 22. № 3. С. 73.
  9. A.V. Shpatov, T.S. Frolova, S.A. Popov, O.I. Sinitsyna, O.I. Salnikova, G. Zheng, L. Yan, N.V. Sinelnikova, L.M. Pshennikova, A.V. Kochetov
    Lipophilic Metabolites from Five-needle Pines, Pinus armandii and Pinus kwangtungensis, Exhibiting Antibacterial Activity.
    Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2020, V.17, N 8, e2000201 doi:10.1002/cbdv.202000201, IF=2.039
  10. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, L.V. Politanskaya, E.V. Tretyakov, E.E. Shults
    A facile approach to hybrid compounds containing a tricyclic diterpenoid and fluorine-substituted heterocycles
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2020, V. 236, 109554 doi:10.1016/j.jfluchem.2020.109554, IF=2.332
  11. A. Amanzhan, P.Zh. Zhanymkhanova, B. Aidanuly, E.E. Shults, A.Z. Turmukhambetov, S.M. Adekenov
    Synthesis and structure of hydrazone derivatives of harmine
    News of NAS RK. Series of Chemistry and technology, 2020, V. 3, N 441, Pp 88-95 doi:10.32014/2020.2518-1491.48
  12. Search for biologically active substances of natural origin based on low-polar conifer extracts/ D. V. Pyatrikas, E. L. Gorbyleva, A. V. Fedyaeva, S. S. Zakharova, A. V. Shpatov, S. A. Popov, G. B. Borovskii// Izvestiya Vuzov. Prikladnaya Khimiya i Biotekhnologiya doi:10.21285/2227-2925-2020-10-2-240-250
  13. O.I. Brusentseva, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.P. Dolgikh, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthesis and Analgesic Activity Assessment of Furanolabdanoid Conjugates with Glucuronic Acid
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2020, V. 56, N 4, Pp 678-687 doi:10.1007/s10600-020-03119-7, IF=0.653
  14. N.S. Sirazhetdinova, V.A. Savelyev, T.S. Frolova, D.S. Baev, L.S. Klimenko, I.V. Chernikov, O.S. Oleshko, T.A. Sarojan, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shults
    1-Hydroxyanthraquinones Containing Aryl Substituents as Potent and Selective Anticancer Agents
    Molecules 2020, 25(11), 2547 doi:10.3390/molecules25112547, IF=3.267
  15. Reduction in Mortality at All Stages of Animal Life and the Ways to Achieve Productive Longevity Using Aurol (p-Tyrosol)/ KRYSIN A. P., SOLOSHENKO V. A. YUSHKOV YU. G.2, DONSHENKO N. A., MERZLYAKOVA O. G.// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2020, V. 28, N 2, Pp 166-173 doi:10.15372/CSD2020216
  16. O.I. Brusentzeva, Yu.V. Kharitonov, D.S. Fadeev, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of furan-bridged polyazamacrocycles through 15,16-bis((prop-2-ynylamino)methyl)labdatriene transformations
    Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2020, 96, N 3-4, Pp 245-250 doi:10.1007/s10847-019-00965-z, IF=1.56
  17. Study of Plant Coumarins. 18. Coumarin Conjugates with Lupane Triterpenoidsand 1,2,3-triazoles: Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activity/ Lipeeva A. V., Dolgikh М. Р., Tolstikova T. G., Shults E. E// Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2010, V. 46, N 2, Pp125-132 doi:10.1134/S1068162020010161, IF=0.682
  18. Synthesis and analgesic activity of 1,3,5-trisubstituted pyrazoles containing a diterpenoid moiety/ M.E. Mironov, A.I. Poltanovich , T.V., Rybalova, M.P. Dolgikh, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E Shults// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2020, V. 69, Pp 537–546 doi:10.1007/s11172-020-2795-6, IF=1.061
  19. M.A. Lenskiy, E.E. Shul'ts, D.V. Korabel'nikov, A.V. Ozhogin, A.N. Novitskiy
    Pyrocatechol borates: Synthesis, reaction with formaldehyde, and solvent effect on polycondensation process
    Polymer, 2020, V. 183 , 122162 doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2020.122162, IF=4.231
  20. QUALITY AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF SUNFLOWER OIL DEODORIZATION DISTILLATE/ Kukina T.P., Shcherbakov D.N., Panteleyeva N. V., Sal'nikova O. I., Kolosov P.V.// doi:10.14258/jcprm.2020015909

  1. S.A. Kremis, D.S. Baev, A.V. Lipeeva, E.E. Shults, T.G. Tolstikova, O.I. Sinitsyna, A.V. Kochetov, T.S. Frolova
    Genotoxic activity of 1,2,3-triazolyl modified furocoumarins and 2,3-dihydrofurocoumarins
    Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2019, V. 33, N 11, e22396 doi:10.1002/jbt.22396, IF=2.965
  2. M.E. Mironov, O.S. Oleshko, M.A. Pokrovskii, T.V. Rybalova, V.K. Pechurov, A.G. Pokrovskii, S.V. Cheresis, S.V. Mishinov, V.V. Stupak, E.E. Shults
    6-(4'-Aryl-1',2',3'-triazolyl)-spirostan-3,5-diols and 6-(4'-Aryl-1',2',3'-triazolyl)-7-hydroxyspirosta-1,4-dien-3-ones: Synthesis and analysis of their cytotoxicity
    Steroids, 2019, V. 151, Article's number 108460 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2019.108460, IF=2.136
  3. Lipophilic constituents of pedicularis striata pallas и pedicularis flava pallas/ Kukina, T.P., Khan, I.V.// Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya, Issue 4, 1 January 2020, Pages 113-118 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2019044952
  4. A.V. Lipeeva, D.O. Zakharov, Yu.V. Gatilov, M.A. Pokrovskii, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shults
    Design and Synthesis of 3-(N-Substituted)aminocoumarins as Anticancer Agents from 3-Bromopeuruthenicin
    ChemistrySelect, 2019, V. 4, N 34, Pp 10197-10201 doi:10.1002/slct.201901377, IF=1.716
  5. S.A. Popov, M.D. Semenova, D.S. Baev, I.V. Sorokina, N.A. Zhukova, T.S. Frolova, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults, M. Turks
    Lupane-type conjugates with aminoacids, 1,3,4- oxadiazole and 1,2,5-oxadiazole-2-oxide derivatives: synthesis, anti-inflammatory activity and in silico evaluation of target affinity
    Steroids, 2019, V.150, 108443 doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2019.108443, IF=2.136
  6. Synthesis of Polyesters of Diatomic Phenols and Boric Acid and Their Interaction with Formaldehyde/ M. A. Lenskiy, E. E. Shul'ts, D. V. Korabel'nikov, A. V. Ozhogin, A. N. Novitskiy// Polymer Science, Series B, 2019, V. 61, N 5, pp 530-539 doi:10.1134/S1560090419050105, IF=0.907
  7. V.A. Savel'ev, A.A. Kotova, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shults
    Regioselective Synthesis of 1,3,5-Trisubstituted Pyrazoles Containing an Anthranilic Acid Motif
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 10, pp 943-955 doi:10.1007/s10593-019-02561-y, IF=1.492
  8. Study of Plant Coumarins: XVII. Synthesis and Transformations of 6-Carboxamidocoumarins/ E.E.Shults, D.O. Zakharov, A.V. Lipeeva, Yu.V. Gatilov, A.G. Makarov// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, V. 55, N 10, pp 1518-1526 doi:10.1134/S1070428019100099, IF=0.751
  9. A.V. Lipeeva, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shults
    A facile approach to 6-amino-2H-pyrano[2,3-g]isoquinolin-2-ones via a sequential Sonogashira coupling of 6-cyanoumbelliferone triflate and annulations with amines
    Synthetic Communications, 2019, V. 49, N 23, Pp 3301-3310 doi:10.1080/00397911.2019.1661480, IF=1.439
  10. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 38.* Synthesis of Conjugates Containing β-Carboline and Tricyclic Diterpenoids
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 5, pp 871-877 doi:10.1007/s10600-019-02836-y, IF=0.566
  11. Aliphatic and triterpenoic products of ether extracts saponification of POPULUS NIGRA L/ T. P. Kukina, I. A. Elshin , O. I. Salnikova , I. V. Eltsov// doi:10.14258/jcprm.2019034951
  12. Cardioprotective Effect of p-Tyrosol in the Acute Period of Cardiovascular and Cerebral Ischemia/ A.P Krysin, I.V. Sorokina, E.E. Shults// Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2019, V. 27, N 4, Pp 365-372 (in Russian) doi:10.15372/KhUR2019147
  13. B.M. Urbagarova, V.V. Taraskin, E.E. Shults, L.D. Radnaeva
    Development of assay method by HPLC-DAD for the quantitative determination of chromones in Saposhnikovia divaricata radices and its validation
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, V. 320, N 1, art. Num. 012056 (Conference Paper) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/320/1/012056
  14. Synthesis and properties of polyethylene-p-triphenylboron ester of boric acid/ M. A. Lenskiy, E. E. Shul'ts, D. V. Korabel'nikov, A. V. Ozhogin, A. N. Novitskiy,// Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, 2019, V. 62, N 7, Pp 31-37 doi:10.6060/ivkkt20196207.5882
  15. T.S. Frolova, A.V. Lipeeva, D.S. Baev, S.I. Baiborodin, К.E. Orishchenko, A.V. Kochetov, O.I. Sinitsyna
    Fluorescent labeling of ursolic acid with FITC for investigation of its cytotoxic activity using confocal microscopy
    Bioorganic Chemistry, 2019, V. 87, Pp 876-887 doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2018.11.052, IF=3.929
  16. E. Avdeeva, E. Shults, T. Rybalova, Ya. Reshetov, E. Porokhova, I. Sukhodolo, L. Litvinova, V. Shupletsova, O. Khaziakhmatova, I. Khlusov, A. Guryev, M. Belousov
    Chelidonic Acid and Its Derivatives from Saussurea Controversa: Isolation, Structural Elucidation and Influence on the Osteogenic Differentiation of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells In Vitro
    Biomolecules, 2019, 9(5), 189 doi:10.3390/biom9050189, IF=4.694
  17. A.V. Lipeeva, A.O. Brysgalov, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis, Transformations and Characterization of 8 Aminomethyl Substituted Umbelliferones as Probable Anti-Arrhythmic Agents
    Current Bioactive Compounds, 2019, V. 15 , N 1, Pp 71-82 Volume 15 , Issue 1 , 2019 doi:10.2174/1573407213666171030152601
  18. A.V. Lipeeva, D.O. Zakharov, L.G. Burova, T.S. Frolova, D.S. Baev, I.V. Shirokikh, A.N. Evstropov, O.I. Sinitsyna, T.G. Tolsikova, E.E. Shults
    Design, Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Coumarin-1,2,3-triazole Hybrids Obtained from Natural Furocoumarin Peucedanin
    Molecules 2019, 24(11), 2126 doi:10.3390/molecules24112126, IF=3.06
  19. K.P. Cheremnykh, V.A. Savelyev, M.A. Pokrovskii, D.S. Baev, T.G. Tolstikova, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shults
    Design, synthesis, cytotoxicity, and molecular modeling study of 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyrimidines with anthranilate ester moiety
    Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2019, V. 28, N 4, pp 545–558 doi:10.1007/s00044-019-02314-8, IF=1.72
  20. S.M. Adekenov, P.Zh. Zhanimkhanova, Zh.S. Nurmaganbetov, A. Amanzhan, S.V. Chernov, A.Zh. Turmukhambetov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, Yu.V. Gatilov, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic modifications of carboline alkaloid harmine: synthesis of 8-substituted derivatives
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 2, pp 135-141 doi:10.1007/s10593-019-02429-1, IF=1.492
  21. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.A. Pokrovskii, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 37. Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of 4-(Oxazol-2-Yl)-18-Norisopimaranes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019, V. 55, N 1, pp 52-59 doi:10.1007/s10600-019-02613-x, IF=0.567
  22. Bioactive components of ethereal extract of wood greening sea buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides L./ T.P. Kukina, D.N. Shcherbakov, K.V. Gensh, N.V. Panteleyeva, E. A. Tulysheva, O.I. Sal'nikova, A.Ye. Grazhdannikov, P.V. Kolosov, G.Yu. Galitsyn// Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya, 2019, N 1, Pp 157-164 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2019014340

  1. Ch. Tantardini, S.G. Arkipov, K.A. Cherkashina, A.S. Kil'met'ev, E. V.Boldyreva
    Synthesis and crystal structure of a meloxicam co-crystal with benzoic acid
    Structural Chemistry, 2018, V. 29, N 6, pp 1867-1874 doi:10.1007/s11224-018-1166-5, IF=2.19
  2. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.E. Shults
    Efficient Synthesis of the N-(buta-2,3-dienyl)carboxamide of Isopimaric Acid and the Potential of This Compound towards Heterocyclic Derivatives of Diterpenoids
    ChemistryOpen, 2018, V. 7, N 11, Pp 890-901 doi:10.1002/open.201800205, IF=2.801
  3. Esthers and polymethylenesthers of pyrocatechine and boric acid - synthesis, structure/ M.A. Lenskiy, E.E. Shul'ts, D.V. Korabel'nikov, A.V. Ozhogin, A.N. Novitskiy// S-SibSB, 2018, N 4 (24), Cc 255-260
  4. Synthesis of hybrid molecules containing pyrimidine and diterpene alkaloid lappaconitine fragments/ K.P. Cheremnykh, V.А. Savel’ev, O.P. Shkurko, Е.E. Shults// Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2018, 54(12), 1131-1138 doi:10.1007/s10593-019-02404-w, IF=1.201
  5. Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Tyrosol and Its Structural Analogs/ A.P. Krysin, T.G. Tolstikova, M.P., E.E. Shul'ts , L.M. Pokrovskii// Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2019, V. 52, N 11, pp 907-911 doi:10.1007/s11094-019-01924-1, IF=0.679
  6. М.Д. Соколова, А.Ф. Федорова, М.Л. Давыдова, А.П. Крысин, Э.Э. Шульц, А.Р. Халдеева
    Изучение влияния малолетучих и нетоксичных функционализированных фенольных антиоксидантов на физико-механические свойства резин на основе БИКС-18
    Каучук и резина. 2018. Т. 77. № 5. С. 320-325.
  7. Studyng the effects of Cantharellus cibarius fungi on Opisthorchis felineus trematode and on parasite host-C57BL/6 inbred mice/ M.A. Tsyganov, G.B. Vishnivetskaya, T.P. Kukina, I.V. Sorokina, M.N. Lvova, M.A. Protsenko, N.E. Kostina, D.F. Avgustinovich// VAVILOVSKII ZHURNAL GENETIKI I SELEKTSII, , 2018, V. 22, N 7, Pp. 856-864 doi:10.18699/VJ18.426
  8. А.П. Крысин, А.А. Нефедов, Т.Я. Гаврикова, А.С. Кильметьев
    О реакции полисульфидов 2-трет-бутилфенола с каучуком и гептеном-1 в инертной атмосфере и на воздухе
    Химия в интересах устойчивого развития. 2018. Т. 26. № 4. С. 403-410. doi:10.15372/KhUR20180407
  9. Г.М. Байсаров, А.Р. Жуматаева, Г.К. Мукушева, Э.Э. Шульц, Р.Б. Сейдахметова, С.М. Адекенов
    Флавоноидные соединения ARTEMISIA GLABELLA KAR. ET KIR, синтезы на их основе и их биологическая активность
    Химия растительного сырья. 2018. № 3. С. 215-222.
  10. Y.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shults
    Highly Selective Gold-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of Furanolabdanoid Dialkynes with Alkynyl Substituents in the Furan Ring
    Current Organic Synthesis. 2018. Vol. 15. No 8. P. 1147-1153 doi:10.2174/1570179415666180918160421, IF=1.69
  11. И.В. Широких, Л.Г. Бурова, А.B. Липеева, Э.Э. Шульц
    Изучение антибактериальных свойств производных пеуцеданина в отношении staphylococcus sureus in vitro
    Сибирский медицинский вестник. 2018. № 2. С. 8-12.
  12. А.Н. Евстропов, Л.Г. Бурова, И.В. Широких, А.В. Липеева, Э.Э. Шульц
    Иследование антимикробной активности кумариновых субстанций в отношении STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS и PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA
    Бактериология. 2018. Т. 3. № 2. С. 16-19. doi:10.20953/2500-1027-2018-2-16-19
  13. Accessible Metabolites from Siberian Plants for Development and Production of Innovative Drugs/ T.G. Tolstikova, I.V. Sorokina, N.A. Zukova, E.A. Morosova, YU.V. Kharitonov, M.E. Mironov, S.A. Popov, E.E. Shults// doi:10.15372/KhUR20180308
  14. A.E. Grazhdannikov, L.M. Kornaukhova, V.I. Rodionov, N.A. Pankrushina, E.E. Shults, A.S. Fabiano-Tixier, S.A. Popov, F. Chemat
    Selecting a green strategy on extraction of birch bark and isolation of pure betulin using monoterpenes
    ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., , 2018, 6 (5), pp 6281-6288 doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00086, IF=6.14
  15. A.O. Finke, M.E. Mironov, A.B. Skorova, E.E. Shults
    Copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of spirosolanederived azide for the preparation of modified solasodine alkaloid
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2018, V. 54, N 4, pp 411-416 doi:10.1007/s10593-018-2284-0, IF=1.201
  16. M.A. Gromova, Yu.V. Kharitonov, T.V. Rybalova, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. 36.* Synthesis of 13-(Oxazol-5-Yl)-15,16-Bisnorisopimaranes
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018, V. 54, N 2, pp 293-300 doi:10.1007/s10600-018-2327-x, IF=0.45
  17. Antiulcerogenic activity of borneol derivatives/ M. S. Borisova, O. I. Yarovaya, M. D. Semenova, T. G. Tolstikova, N. F. Salakhutdinov// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2018, V. 67, N 3, Pp 558-561 doi:10.1007/s11172-018-2110-y, IF=0.781
  18. А.П. Крысин, В.П. Фадеева, О.Н. Никуличева, А.А. Нефедов
    Решение алгоритма: фенольные антиоксиданты - путь к улучшению механических свойств полимерных материалов
    Химия в интересах устойчивого развития. 2018. Т. 26. № 2. С. 149-155 doi:10.15372/KhUR20180205
  19. A.O. Bryzgalov, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults, K.O. Petrova
    Natural Products as a Source of Antiarrhythmic Drugs
    Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, V. 18, N 4, Pp 345 - 362 doi:10.2174/1389557516666161104144815, IF=2.645
  20. Т.П. Кукина
    Пентегова Валентина Алексеевна
    Химия растительного сырья, 2018, N 2, Cc 233-234 doi:10.14258/jcprm.2018023919
  21. E. Avdeeva, E. Shults, M. Skorokhodova, Ya. Reshetov, E. Porokhova, I. Sukhodolo, E. Krasnov, M. Belousov
    Flavonol glycosides from Saussurea controversa and Their Efficiency in Experimental Osteomyelitis
    Planta Med Int Open, 2018, V. 5, N 1, : e24-e29 doi:10.1055/s-0044-100799

  1. A study of plant coumarins. 16*. Synthesis and transformations of 7-alkynylcoumarins/ A. V. Lipeeva, E. E. Shults// Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 2017, 53(12), pp 1302-1309 doi:10.1007/s10593-018-2210-5, IF=0.893
  2. A.V. Lipeeva, D.S. Baev, M.P. Dolgikh, T.G. Tolstikova, E.E. Shults
    Rapid Access to Oxazine Fused Furocoumarins and in vivo and in silico Studies of theirs Biological Activity
    Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, V.13, N 7, Pp 625-632 doi:10.2174/1573406413666170601114527, IF=2.331
  3. S.A. Popov, O.P. Sheremet, L.M. Kornaukhova, A.E. Grazhdannikov, E.E. Shults
    An approach to effective green extraction of triterpenoids from outer birch bark using ethyl acetate with extractant recycle
    Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, V.102, Pp 122-132 doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.03.020, IF=3.18
  4. V.T. Bauman, Ja. Ganbaatar, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic transformations of isoquinoline alkaloids: 1-(N-alkyl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-6,18-endo-ethenodihydrothebainehydroquinones and triazolylnaphthohydroquinone-containing benzofuroazocines from thebaine
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2017, V. 53, N 8, pp 913-919 doi:10.1007/s10593-017-2145-2, IF=0.893
  5. S.S. Patrushev, T.V. Rybalova, I. D. Ivanov, V.A. Vavilin, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of a new class of bisheterocycles via the Heck reaction of eudesmane type methylene lactones with 8-bromoxanthines
    Tetrahedron, 2017, V. 73, N 19, Pp 2717-2726 In Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.tet.2017.03.016, IF=2.651
  6. Apoptosis as the basic mechanism of cytotoxic action of ursolic and pomolic acids in glioma cells/ T. S. Frolova, A. V. Lipeeva, D. S. Baev, Y. A. Tsepilov, O. I. Sinitsyna// Molecular Biology, 2017, V. 51, N 5, pp 705-711 doi:10.1134/S0026893317050090, IF=0.799
  7. Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of novel labdanoid-based macroheterocycles using click-cycloaddition reaction protocol
    Макрогетероциклы. 2017. Т. 10. № 1. С. 117-122. doi:10.6060/mhc160959s
  8. Л.Г. Бурова, И.В. Широких, С.С. Патрушев, Т.Г. Толстикова, Э.Э. Шульц
    Взаимосвязь структура-антибактериальная активность в ряду производных изоалантолактона
    Фундаментальная и клиническая медицина. 2017. Т. 2. № 1. С. 28-34.
  9. E.E. Shults, M.M. Shakirov, M.A. Pokrovsky, T.N. Petrova, A.G. Pokrovsky, P.G. Gorovoy
    Phenolic compounds from Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maxim and their cytotoxic activity
    Natural Product Research, 2017, V. 31,N 4, Pp 445-452 doi:10.1080/14786419.2016.1188094, IF=1.827
  10. B.M. Urbagarova, V.V. Taraskin, E.E. Shul'ts, L.D. Radnaeva, O.A. Anenkhonov, Zh. Ganbaatar, N.B. Boldanova
    Biologically Active Compounds from the Lipid Fraction of Saposhnikovia divaricata
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, January 2017, V. 53, N 1, pp 138-140 doi:10.1007/s10600-017-1928-0, IF=0.46
  11. Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, M.A. Pokrovskii, A.G. Pokrovskii, E.E. Shul'ts
    Synthetic Transformations of Higher Terpenoids. XXXV.* Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Macroheterocyclic Compounds Based on Lambertianic Acid
    Chemistry of Natural Compounds, January 2017, V. 53, N 1, pp 77-82 doi:10.1007/s10600-017-1915-5, IF=0.46
  12. Synthetic transformations of higher terpenoids: XXXVI. Synthesis of furanolabdanoid glycoconjugates with a 1,2,3-triazole linker/ O.I. Kremenko, Yu.V. Kharitonov, E.E. Shul'ts// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, January 2017, V. 53, N 1, pp 35-46 doi:10.1134/S1070428017010079, IF=0.603

  1. C. Tantardini, S.G. Arkhipov, K.A. Cherkashina, A.S. Kil'met'ev, E.V. Boldyreva
    Crystal structure of a 2:1 co-crystal of meloxicam with acetylendicarboxylic acid
    Acta Crystallographica Section E, CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS, 2016, Том: 72 Стр.: 1856-1859 doi:10.1107/S2056989016018909
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  3. A.S. Kihkentayeva, E.E. Shults, Yu.V. Gatilov, S.S. Patrushev, S. Karim, G.A. Atazhanova, S.M. Adekenov
    Synthetic Transformations of Sesquiterpene Lactones 10*. Synthesis of 13-Arylguaianolides
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, October 2016, V. 52, N 10, pp 788-796 doi:10.1007/s10593-016-1967-7, IF=0.815
  4. Formation of ω-(4-oxo-1,4-dihydropyridin-2-yl)alkanamides in the Beckmann rearrangement of spiro-fused cycloalkanone oximes/ V. A. Savel'ev, A. Ya. Tikhonov, T. V. Rybalova// Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, October 2016, Volume 52, Issue 10, pp 1379-1384 doi:10.1134/S1070428016100134, IF=0.759
  5. Photochemical cyclocondensation of 1-arylthio-2-azidoanthraquinones with phenols/ L. S. Klimenko, S. Sirazhetdinova, V. A. Savel'ev, T. P. Martyanov, D. V. Korchagin// Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2016, V. 65, N 7, pp 1814-1819 doi:10.1007/s11172-016-1515-8, IF=0.578
  6. M.E. Mironov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis of 3-trimethylsiloxy-1-(furan-3-yl)butadiene and its reactions with dienophiles
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, , 2016, V. 52, N 6, pp 364-373 doi:10.1007/s10593-016-1897-4, IF=0.814
  7. Amide of Lambertian Acid Suppresses Hyperactivation of Inotropic Glutamate Receptors, but not Synaptic Potentiation in Hippocampal Sections/ S. O. Vechkapova, T. A. Zapara, E. A. Morozova, A. L. Proskura, E. E. Schul'ts, T. G. Tolstikova, A. S. Ratushnyak// Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine doi:10.1007/s10517-016-3509-9, IF=0.448
  8. Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shults
    Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of chiral macrocyclic furanolabdanoids connected on the 16,17-positions by 1,2,3-triazole rings with methylene or oxamethylene units
    Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, April 2016, V. 84, N 3, pp 197-202 doi:10.1007/s10847-016-0596-1, IF=1.253
  9. M.E. Mironov, M.A. Pokrovsky, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, A.G. Pokrovsky, E.E. Shults
    Furanolabdanoid–based 1,2,4-oxadiazoles: Synthesis and cytotoxic activity
    CHEMISTRYSELECT, V. 1, N 3, March 2016, Pp: 417-424 doi:10.1002/slct.201600042
  10. S.S. Patrushev, M.M. Shakirov, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic transformations of sesquiterpene lactones 9.*Synthesis of 13-(pyridinyl)eudesmanolides
    Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2016, V. 52, N 3, pp 165-171 doi:10.1007/s10593-016-1855-1, IF=0.814
  11. И.В. Сорокина, Н.А. Жукова, Т.Г. Толстикова, С.А. Попов, Э.Э. Шульц
    Бетамид - средство с противоопухолевой активностью, снижающее гепато- и нефротоксические эффекты цитостатической полихимиотерапии
    Российский биотерапевтический журнал. 2016. Т. 15. № 1. С. 103-104.
  12. M.A. Timoshenko, Yu.V. Kharitonov, M.M. Shakirov, I.Yu. Bagryanskaya, E.E. Shults
    Synthetic Studies on Tricyclic Diterpenoids: Direct Allylic Amination Reaction of Isopimaric Acid Derivatives
    ChemistryOPEN, V. 5, N 1, pp 65-70, February 2016 doi:10.1002/open.201500187, IF=3.585


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